четвъртък, 31 март 2011 г.

Photoshop Elements Blending Pictures (Video)

In this video we will look at a way to blend your pictures into a new background and make them look real. Pick up my Elements DVD's at: www.jackstechcorner.com
Video Rating: 3 / 5

New Surface Blur filter Go to www.markgaler.com for free tutorials and cheap

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How to Install Joomla 1.5 (Video)

www.MyJoomlaGuide.com Step-by-Step Joomla 1.5 Installation with this free Joomla Tutorials. Learn to install and configure Joomla like a Pro!

Here's a tutorial on the basic steps you need to take to get an installation of Joomla on your website! Joomla is a Content management system (aka CMS) and it is basically an easy way to build a website! I used CamStudio to record my screen, unfortunately it's not perfect and there were some video

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Question by Aroran: .........html........?
what do you know about HTML?

Best answer:
Answer by kakalaky42that everything you need to know about it can be found here: http://www.w3.org/

What do you think? Answer

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Upgrade to CorelDraw X5 For Screen Printers Corel & Photoshop (Video)

Check out the new CorelDraw X5 Graphic Suite software which works great for screen printing. Corel offers great upgrade options and Ryonet packages all corel draw purchases with our Ultimate Training Guide which puts you on the right path to success with Corel! Check out the software page of www.silkscreeningsupplies.com to view package details!

Downlaod Full and Free 100% Click this Link www.fullsoftdown.tk Free Mp3 Download

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Browser battle may be over - but who will win the war?

Even online, attention is being mostly paid to spaces such as Facebook, where control of the platform limits the amount of HTML innovation within that platform. The quiet maturity of the web platform is read as marking its slow decline. ...See all stories on this topic »
Google Alerts - html

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WordPress.com - Step-by-Step Tutorial on How to Blog (Video)

Chris Abraham walks you through how to join the fastest-growing and most elegant free blogging services, WordPress.com. Go from the simple acts of joining all the way through set up and administration. Become a blogger in few than 45-minutes. Most folks only need the first 15 minutes to get you started. Chris is a professional blogging instructor. Enjoy!
Video Rating: 4 /

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Internet Marketing Forum | Year Of The Affiliate (Video)

yearoftheaffiliate.com The Internet Marketing Forum is launching to the public with the release of Year Of The Affiliate 2.0 ebook by Sean Rasmussen. Music by The James Southwell Band.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

www.articlesproductions.com - A real internet marketing forum that is about marketing strategy development and has real people, real advice and no hype. Join a community that is 100% AD FREE and wants to help you succeed in your business

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PHP Tutorials: Date and Time (Part 1) (Video)

How to display the current time, a time in the past or present, and how to create a simple countdown script.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

How to display the current time, a time in the past or present, and how to create a simple countdown script.
Video Rating: 4 /

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Adobe Photoshop Tutorial (Removing Background) (Video)

((This is my first tutorial)) I'm showing one of my ways to removing the background on a picture.. In this method I have used the tools: Quickmask, Background Ereaser Tool.. I hope this is helpful.. ENJOY! =D
Video Rating: 4 /

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Joomla Tutorial Part 1 - Adding Articles and Menu Items (Video)

This Joomla! Tutorial will show you the basics of adding menu items and articles to your Joomla! content management system. If you just want some fun reading you can visit my fun blog: geekcartoon.blogspot.com
Video Rating: 3 / 5

webspace.incredibletutorials.com In this beginner tutorial, I go over all the steps to installing Joomla on a web server. Joomla is a free software that allows you to build websites with ease.
Video Rating: 4 /

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Google +1 = Social Overload

Google's new +1 program adds a social layer into search -- but do we really need it, or is this more about what's good for Google?

RSSMix.com Mix ID 2019521

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Google +1 = Social Overload

Google's new +1 program adds a social layer into search -- but do we really need it, or is this more about what's good for Google?

RSSMix.com Mix ID 2019521

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Free XHTML CSS Templates for Different Websites

What is the easiest way to build a new website? The right answer is to get a Free Website Template and customize it. It’s also important to know that “FREE” doesn’t mean you pay nothing and get nothing because each free template is a set of files that enables you
Web Design

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Question by Josh: Html.................?
I need help learning Html? where can i learn it for free

Best answer:
Answer by David Dhttp://opera.com/wsc/

Avoid W3Schools. It is full of errors and examples of worst practices. A decade ago it was the best site out there. Since then, it has been overtaken by many better alternatives.

Give your answer to this question

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como descargar flash cs5 portable (Video)

es muy buen programa pagina: chifladoo73.jimdo.com el programa esta en mi pagina en programas portables se llama adobe flash cs5 portable le dan un click en la imagen y los mandara a megaupload.
Video Rating: 5 /

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What is JavaScript? (Video)

ogsolution.com - In this screencast, we are going to dive into the world of a very popular scripting language called JavaScript. JavaScript is used on most major portal websites today and its major use is to make your static HTML + CSS webpage more dynamic and eventful.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

This is my first javascript tutorial, I decided to make it on functions since it's an important part of

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The Devil Wears Prada - HTML Rulez D00d (video) (Video)

The Devil Wears Prada - HTML Rulez D00d itunes.apple.com

A behind the scenes look at what really happens when the devil wears prada shoots a video.
Video Rating: 4 /

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CSS Border Style (Video)

ogsolution.com - In this screencast, we are going to talk about setting the border style to a box. In the CSS Box Model, this is the second layer wrapping the content box. CSS allows you quite a few selections to style your border. In addition, it allows you to style each of the four sides individually.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

This tutorial looks at a novel way of achieving a cool rollover effect on a border in a web page. You might find this

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Corel Draw X5 Artistic Media Tutorial (Video)

Cremnlin presents a tutorial on artistic media in CorelDraw X3 x4 or x5
Video Rating: 4 /

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How To Install WordPress Themes (Video)

This video Shows you how to Install free WordPress themes on Word Press for free. Free Themes: wordpressthemesbase.com Free Themes: wordpress.org Get HostGator Hosting To be able to Host Your own Wordpress Web Site And Install New Themes: budurl.com Hostgator Features & Coupons: Use Coupon Code "YuTubeMedia" for 99% off first month!! ------------ My Twitter: twitter.com TAGS: How to install wordpress themes on wordpress for free how to get themes wordpress theme

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PHP Tutorial for Beginners - #1 - Dowloading & Installing (Video)

Download: www.mediafire.com In this tutorial I'll be showing you how to download the PHP editor and how to install the PHP editor. I'm also showing you what to do if your version is in Spanish by accident.

To get php and apache installed use xampp. xampp is free and contains php / apache (around 33mb) 1. Download and Install XAMPP from here: www.apachefriends.org 2. on windows go to C:\xampp it should have a folder called htdocs. If you

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Photoshop CS4 Tutorial: Create a Colorful Aurura Effect (Video)

Sit back and enjoy this tutorial on creating a streaky colored Aurura effect with a wispy smokey effect smudged on top as well. Learn about the techniques used to create those glowing vibrant color effects that you see so often in web design these days! Enjoy! Follow me on Twitter! www.twitter.com Be sure to check out www.tutvid.com Check out the blog @ http
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Here again we have a video of one of the tutorials in the

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Joomla Training - Joomla Extensions Manager (Video)

This tutorial shows you how to install and uninstall Joomla extensions. It covers component, modules, plugins, languages and templates. Find more of these tutorials at OSTraining.com
Video Rating: 0 /

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Question by js: Joomla????????????????????
I hosted my new site from powweb, and did a little work on it, then I downloaded joomla and I am navagating through joomla trying to find how to upload my material from powweb? I tried to get into powweb website maker and it doesn't work... obviously because I downloaded joomla. Now, I also can't access joomla from powweb, I have to go to the joomla website. If someone could help me out that would be great because i'm very confused!!!!!! This is my

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(Video) Joomla Tutorial

Beginner tutorial for running a Joomla! website hosted at www.mlds-networks.com. Learn how to add sections, categories, and items. How to use the menus and login
Video Rating: 4 /

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Cost Effective Web Design Services

We have our competency in CMS (Joomla, Modx, Mambo and other quality Content Management System) and e-commerce website. Our design team can work closely with you as part of your marketing staff and will seek out your company's needs to create a unified ...See all stories on this topic »
Google Alerts - joomla

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Coming soon...

Coming soon...
E-book about on-line success: "Your ATM in 3

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lynda.com Tutorial | Creating a First Web Site with Flash Professional CS5-Button functionality

Watch the entire course at www.lynda.com Creating a First Web Site with Flash Professional CS5 shows how to make a fully functional, dynamic web site in Flash Professional CS5. This course covers the fundamentals of creating and importing content, adding smooth 2D and 3D transitions, and adding button functionality that goes beyond links. This course will also show how to integrate and control video and audio as well as how to implement a gallery and a contact

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Top Web Design Tweets of Feb, 2011

The Web Design Blog

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Feeds for Google Alerts

Welcome to this Google Alerts feed! Here you will receive new alerts for your Everything query "corel draw". Depending on your query, it might take some time before any items pop up. Go to the Alerts Management console to change the alert query or delete it. Thanks for using Google Alerts.
Google Alerts - corel draw

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Windows Phone 7 App Store Still Lags Behind Apple, Android

The Windows Phone 7 app store has around 10 times less apps than the Android Market and around 30 times less than Apple's App Store.

RSSMix.com Mix ID 2019521

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Common Misconceptions about Use of Flash and SEO

A very common misconception regarding SEO is that Flash sites can’t rank well in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). However, there are plenty of examples that say otherwise. Many years ago, this may have been rather difficult and perhaps even considered impossible but since then, many advances have been

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Terracotta Scheduler Targets Specific Machines

Terracotta wants to give Java developers more control over where jobs run across distributed computing systems. The company today announced an upgrade to Quartz, an open source job scheduler that the company acquired in 2009. ...See all stories on this topic »
Google Alerts -

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HTML5 for Web Designers

A filp-through of the first book from A Book Apart, HTML5 for web designers, by Jeremy Keith. Read a full review at webdesignerreviewofbooks.com/reviews/html5-for-web-designers
Video Rating: 0 / 5

Part 7 of Web Design tutorials covering basics of web development with HTML5 and CSS. In this we look at how HTML structure has changed from XHTML 1 to HTML5 and how we can create a structure with the new semantic tags. Tutorials by Will

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HTML and CSS basic coding and writing code for beginners

Learn the basics of writing HTML and CSS code here! In this tutorial I cover seting up your first page and linking it to an external style sheet using CSS. I also start to begin to style the page. This is a very fast tutorial, but if you follow along you begin to see the patterns and I go over some of the more confusing elements in detail. Be sure to check out www.neacedesign.com for more about me! Thank

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CorelDraw 8 for mac adding a drop shadow to text

web based training video that I produced back in the day. visit corel.com for the latest version of CorelDraw. This video shows quickly how to use the drop shadow tool in CorelDRAW version 8 for mac.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

web based training video that I produced back in the day. visit corel.com for the latest version of CorelDraw.
Video Rating: 0 /

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How to Install a WordPress Theme (2010)

Wordpress Tutorial # 2. In This Video I show you how to easy install a theme using woo themes and your hosting company www.erecia.com 100 Free High Quality Wordpress Themes erecia.com My Affiliate Woo Themes www.woothemes.com
Video Rating: 4 /

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Google On Page SEO Tips & Strategies

from www.seobook.com On the page search engine optimization techniques that will help your site rank better in Google's search

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PHP Tutorials: MySQL (Part 1)

Using phpMyAdmin to create a new table on a database. The basics!

In this tutorial, you will learn how to connect to a MySQL database using PHP. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE because there will be a new tutorial every week. Follow me on Twitter @RiverCityGraphx Like us on on facebook: on.fb.me Suggest tutorials at www.rivercitygraphix.com For project files, help forums, and more check out the website at http For business related inquires contact

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Photoshop: Mac Os "X"

Creating the "X" on the Leopard box! For more tutorials, head to: www.tutcast.com Visit www.PhotoshopTalent.com for more tutorials, contests and

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Joomla 1.5 Video Overview and Tutorial

A simple overview of the Joomla CMS from the guys at www.redevolution.com.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

In this tutorial you will learn how to MANUALLY install Joomla 1.5 onto a REMOTE server with cPanel. read more............... This video demonstrates installation on a namecheap.com hosted web space, but if you have another hosting provider that provides cpanel this will almost certainly work for you as well. You might have to manually configure

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News Corp. Is Still Trying to Unfriend MySpace

News Corp. is on a desperate quest to unload MySpace, and is now in talks with Vevo.

RSSMix.com Mix ID

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Google Search: +1 is Shorthand for 'This is Pretty Cool'

Google has unveiled a new social search feature called +1

RSSMix.com Mix ID

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Samsung Series 9 Laptop Shows No Signs Of Spyware

We ran a rigorous malware scan on the new 13" Samsung Series 9 laptop and even poked around in the registry ourselves, but we couldn't find any sign of StarLogger spyware on Samsung's ultraportable answer to the MacBook Air.

RSSMix.com Mix ID

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Joomla! Tutorials

New to Joomla? Well, you've come to the right place...
Joomla Tutorials is your number one source for animated tutorials and Joomla help. On our site you will find up to date information gathered from around the web to help you on your quest to master the Content Management System - Joomla!
We're also going to tackle some subjects such as Joomla Security, Joomla Hosting and other relevant information.
Have you tried the search feature of this site yet? Not only does it search our own site, but

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Java .?

Question by xdovesx: Java .?
I have 7 or 8 different java updates on my "add or remove programs".

Does this effect the running of my computer,slow it down?

Can i remove them?


Best answer:
Answer by gitter1226no it doesn't slow you down at all. Java releases updates for their JRE's every once in a while. The reason they show up seperately is so that you can roll them back one by one when you experience problems.

Add your own answer in the

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Q&A: java??????

Question by pops1954: java??????
what is java

Best answer:
Answer by chattyguy324Java is a cross platform interactive binary content platform. It performs in FireFox and IE (and on its own). It plays some MMORPGs and is used fairly against with Flash and Shockwave.

Add your own answer in the

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The Official Joomla! Book

Does the official Joomla book live up to the promise? With Joomla 1.6 available, users and book publishers have a difficult choice in deciding whether to go with the tried and trusted 1.5 or the more capable 1.6. This book mostly covers 1.5 although ...See all stories on this topic »
Google Alerts -

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CSS at Ultra Music Festival 2011 Day One, March 25

26 2011 @ 12:30PM ​Can CSS be considered electronic music? Barely. Except for a few synthesizers, the band is more about live instrumentation. But it was a welcome relief to ears already tired of the bleeps and bloops that come with attending a ...See all stories on this topic »Miami New Times (blog)
Google Alerts -

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Java Serialization - Introduction to Object Serialization

Introduction to Object Serialization
Java object serialization is used to persist Java objects to a file, database, network, process or any other system.

Serialization flattens objects into an ordered, or serialized stream of bytes. The ordered stream of bytes can then be read at a later time, or in another environment, to recreate the original objects.

Java serialization does not cannot occur for transient or static fields. Marking the field transient prevents the state from

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понеделник, 21 март 2011 г.

Press Releases, Google News and one sample press release http://golearnweb.com/seo-tutorials/press-releases-and-google-news-or-sample-press-release.html

Press Releases, Google News and one sample press release

Press Releases, Google News and one sample press release

If you don't have your own site, and don't want to create your own site, the easiest way to get into Google News is via a Press Release site. While there are several paid options, there are just as many free options that work just as well. At the end of the article you will find one sample press release.

Free Press Release Sites



Create Your Own News Site

The other option, and the one I recommend, is to create your own news site. The benefit of submitting to press release sites is that you get to borrow some of their credibility. But why not create your own? It's not an instant process, but having your own site indexed in Google News means not having to wait for approval or a decision on when to publish. The easiest way to do this is using Wordpress. The number of plugins and themes available make it a dead simple choice. Assuming that you've already installed Wordpress, there are a few things you need to take care of.

Permalink Settings

Make sure that you use %postname% in your permalinks. While it's not the most important factor, your headline will probably contain the keywords you're trying to rank for. On stories with low to moderate competition, they can give a slight edge over URLs that only contain numbers.

The Only Plugin That Matters (for Google News)

Google XML News Sitemap Plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/gn-xml-sitemap/

What Google Wants

When you submit your site, you'll receive a response with the following: We typically include content in Google News that

1. is original to the content provider;
2. doesn't solely promote the provider's own activities;
3. is written, produced, and maintained by a clear organization, one that has multiple writers and editors

We did one from our own service the other day and ranked number one on Google for the search term career assessment test:

This is a superb service to offer a client and can be a good follow up after you have provided them with the Loss Leader Method and then set up their social media sites for them. If you write them a news piece after discussing it with them and get it onto the first page of Google News this is instant proof that you know what you are doing. You can either add this to your monthly services and charge a little more or with some clients you can actually charge them anything between Ј200 and Ј500 for a Google news + press release + article marketing campaign.

Sample Press Release: Reverse Phone Detective Affiliate PR

Title: Reverse Phone Lookups Now Possible In 10 Seconds Thanks To New



Thanks to a newly launched service anyone looking for information on a

telephone number only needs a few extra seconds and an internet

connection. Finding out who owns a phone number can be an extremely

difficult thing to do. Knowing how to locate information attached to a cell

phone or land line number doesn’t take long now thanks to a brand new

service available online. Reverse phone lookups now only take 10 seconds

or less to perform thanks to ReversePhoneAffiliateURL.com

A cell phone reverse lookup search used to be a huge hassle for anyone

looking for information on a phone number. Now if anyone wants to find

out the name and address of any given phone number, it only requires a few

seconds through a newly offered phone service online. The process works

simply by entering in the phone number the visitor wants to know more

about, clicking “Submit” and following the on screen prompts. Users can

find the name, address and virtually anything else about the owner of the


Previous to this new service anyone who wanted to learn more about a

phone number had to hire a private investigator to get the details on the

owner. This involved paying huge amounts to the contracted private

investigator and the information wasn’t even guaranteed to be accurate.

The new service offered at ReversePhoneAffiliateURL.com is unique

because it uses privately held databases of cell and land line numbers to

find out information on the owner. It finally makes cell phone reverse

lookups possible to do at home using this revolutionary technology.

For a long time the need to track down prank callers, threatening phone

calls or just organizing messy address books was nearly impossible.

Looking up a phone number using nothing more than the white pages and

praying that the corresponding number is there doesn’t work and calling

411 or the local phone company won’t necessarily work. The only

alternative option left is to use the reverse phone lookup service at

ReversePhoneAffiliateURL.com to get the appropriate information.

*Underlined and red text indicates anchor text/link back to your “money


SOURSE: http://golearnweb.com/seo-tutorials/press-releases-and-google-news-or-sample-press-release.html

четвъртък, 10 март 2011 г.

Puledro | Магазин за маркови детски дрехи 2011 http://minifashionbg.com


Маркови детски и тинейджърски дрехи | Puledro Bulgaria | Пуледро България

Интернет магазинът miniFashonbg.com се се представлява от фирма „Мики лор” ЕООД. Ние сме млад, амбициозен екип водени от идеята да задоволим вашата потребност да осигурите на детето си най-доброто за него! Първото нещо, което дори несъзнателно правите за него от момента в който се появи на този свят е да му осигурите добри дрешки. Дрехи с които да се движи с лекота, дрехи с които да усеща топлината на любовта ви, дрехи които да му дават комфорт и сигурност! Ето това искаме и ние да ви предложим – облекла от 0 до 16г., с които да накарате вашето дете да се чувства удобно, щастливо и отличаващо се!

Ексклузивни модели предлага марката Puledro, на която сме представители и работим с нея вече дълги години, гарантирана марка отличаваща се с изпитано качество и уникален дизайн. Puledro работи с голям квалифициран дизайнерски екип и дрехите им са винаги в крак с последните световни модни тенденции. Кройките са винаги съобразени с това да осигурят лекота на движението и комфорт. Материите са екологично съобразени и естествено меки. Ефектни щампи, бродерии, камъни украсяват често колекциите на Puledro. Съчетани са винаги с много изисканост и стил. Избирайки тази марка ние ви гарантираме че вашето дете ще бъде облечено винаги красиво, удобно и практично, освен това ще се чувства уникално и неповторимо!

Погрижили сме се да Ви предложим и нещо специално! Цените! Те ще ви изненадат! В магазина ни ще намерите и много други интересни модели на водещи марки. Ние се стремим винаги да подбираме облекла само с добро качество, елегантни кройки и модерен дизайн, защото работим с грижа за Вашите деца! Знаем колко е важно за вас детето ви да се чувства удобно и искаме да му осигурим този комфорт като ви спестим уморителното обикаляне по магазините!

Гарантираме ви че дрехите ни покриват всички европейски стандарти и изисквания за безопасност и качество. Стремим се да съчетаем това с конкурентоспособност и висококачествено обслужване, за да останете наистина доволни, децата ви щастливи и да ни посетите отново! Фирма „Мики лор” ЕООД Ви пожелава приятно пазаруване!

SOURSE: miniFashionBG.com

неделя, 6 март 2011 г.

Free Classified Site - What is It? http://golearnweb.com/web-design-pro-tutorials/free-classified-site-what-is-it.html

Free Classified Site - What is It?

Free Classified Site - What is It?

A free classified posting site is a classifieds site offering members to post classifieds in various categories at no cost to locate people to buy from, sell to, and negotiate exchange of goods and services.

Unlike any other commercial online advertising sites, a free classified posting site is only a venue, hence, it does not own or handle any of the goods and services listed on the site. As a result, the site cannot verify or endorse the quality, safety, or legality of the items listed, or the truth or accuracy of the classified ad.

Free Classified Site - How To Avail Its Services?

In order to place an item(s) and service(s) on free classified posting site, you must become a member. The member registration process requires that you provide your full name, street address, email address, and other identifying information.

By completing the sign-up process in the free classified posting site and clicking on the button indicating that you have read the member agreement, you agree to the terms of the website.

Free Classified Posting Site - How To Select The Best Site?

As free classified posting sites have become a by-word for online advertisers, there is a proliferation of these kinds of sites in the internet. Responsibility now hinges on your part to select the free classified posting site to which you entrust your online ad. Below are 9 ways to consider in selecting a quality free classified posting site

1- Information. The site should have clear terms in handling the information which you provide to them or other members during the registration, or posting process, in any public message area or through any email feature, including all text descriptions and/or photographs, digital images, or renderings of your items and services.

2- Classified Ad Placement System. The free classified posting site should require you to agree that you will not use any device, software, or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of their site or any transaction being conducted on such site. Further, you should be asked that you may not disclose or share your Password to any third parties or use your Password for any unauthorized purpose.

3- General Legal Terms. The classifieds site should clearly state that their service is provided "as is" and without any warranty or condition, express or implied. Further, the terms on suspension/termination, limit of liability, general compliance with laws, no agency, notices, arbitration, and the general laws covering the agreement should be clearly spelled out.

4- Maintenance & Downtime. The free classified posting site should clearly emphasize that from time to time they will conduct scheduled maintenance which may result to temporary downtime that may prevent you from being able to use the site and/or some of their services with an assurance that they will do their best to keep these periods brief, providing advance notice whenever possible.

5- Privacy Policy. The site should guarantee that the Personally Identifiable Information you provide when you sign up will not be sold or given to outside sources without your permission.

6- Descriptions & Photos. The classifieds site, in an effort to facilitate a trusting buying and selling community, should provide you with the option to submit pictures and/or a description of your item or service.

7- Use of Cookies. The site should guarantee that they use cookies to provide you access to protected pages without requesting a login each time.

8- Security. The site should have security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under their control.

9- Access to your personal information. The classifieds site should guarantee that their priority is to keep your personal information private and confidential and they will not willfully rent, or sell your personal information to third parties except by your consent and in compliance to lawful criminal investigation, subpoena, court order or legal process.

I really enjoy Free Classified Advertising Sites and I will share my best one:


It is simple to use, easy to navigate, with beautiful and clean gesign and of course it is very useful when it comes to finding information! Afterwards - this is its main function! Right?

Best Regards, Alex

SOURSE: http://golearnweb.com/web-design-pro-tutorials/free-classified-site-what-is-it.html

събота, 5 март 2011 г.

Social media marketing tips or creating backlinks to social sites http://golearnweb.com/web-design-pro-tutorials/social-media-marketing-tips-or-creating-backlinks-to-social-sites.html

Social media marketing tips or creating backlinks to social sites

Social media marketing tips or creating backlinks to social sites

Every time you publish content anywhere on the net, whether it is on your own site, an article on a directory or a video that you have submitted to one of the major video networks, you must send information about what you have done to the major social bookmarking sites.

These sites are amongst the most popular on the net, places where millions of people gather every day to find others who have similar interests to themselves. When they do so, they are likely to follow that other person's recommendations to view videos, read articles and news stories, with the option of voting them up or down if they like or dislike the materials in question.

When you submit information about your content to the social bookmarking sites, if it is added to the site, it creates a back link to a page on your site as well (remember, send some links to internal pages on your site as well).

It can also send thousands of visitors to your site in a very short space of time but for the majority of online marketers, the primary focus is on using social sites for one-way back links.

There are however a couple of problems which you need to overcome to make this work as effectively as it can.

The first problem is that some sites do not like (or in some cases even allow) you to submit information about your own content materials. The idea is that other people should do the job for you, as this is seen to represent a positive vote in favor of your contents.

Secondly, some social bookmarking site members are notoriously difficult and hypercritical, so that it is often very easy for your materials to get bombed from the site which means that your link will disappear. There is unfortunately very little that you can do about the second problem, but there is plenty you can do about the first one.

There are hundreds of social sites, whilst there are also several online submission services through which you can submit your information to many social bookmarking sites at the same time. Most of these submission services are manual or semi automated at best, but using them will make the job of submitting your information to a number of social sites at the same time considerably easier.

As an example, Social Poster allows you to post your information to the 79 social sites shown on the homepage, although to make every individual submission, you have to log in to each manually:

Alternatively, you could semi-automate the process using either RoboForm or InFormEnter, which is a Firefox add-on that does pretty much the same job as the better known RoboForm.

The only time that you should submit information about your site to all of the social bookmarking sites is when you first launch it. Thereafter, every time you submit a link to your content to the social sites, you should limit your submission to perhaps half a dozen randomly chosen sites for every submission.

However, as you have built 10 satellite sites and have content materials being published all over the web (on different article directories and video networking sites, for example), you are still going to be submitting an awful lot of information, which could make it look like you are spamming.

To avoid this, you might consider creating several different accounts with the major social sites that you want your information to go to so that every time you submit, you can do so under a different username.

Here are some Social Networking sites:


SOURSE: http://golearnweb.com/web-design-pro-tutorials/social-media-marketing-tips-or-creating-backlinks-to-social-sites.html

четвъртък, 3 март 2011 г.

Easy Web Video Marketing Strategy http://golearnweb.com/seo-tutorials/easy-web-video-marketing-strategy.html

Easy Web Video Marketing Strategy

Easy Web Video Marketing Strategy

Web video marketing strategy is really easy to do and one of the most effective tools when used properly.

The other great thing about Web Video Marketing is that your clients competitors are probably not using it at all so will make your client the authority in his sector online. (Good phrase to use to sell it to your client!).

You can use YouTube to post your videos or smaller video sharing sites as well if you wish. Here is a list of 49 Video Sharing Sites with links:

1. Blip.tv
2. Bolt
3. Break
4. Brightcove Beta (Personal)
5. Castpost
6. ClipShack
7. Crackle (formerly Grouper)
8. Cuts
9. Dabble beta
10. Dailymotion
11. DivX Stage6 Beta
12. DropShots
13. Eyespot
14. Facebook video
15. Fliqz
16. GoFish
17. Google Video
18. Guba
19. Heavy
20. iFilm
21. imeem
22. JayCut
23. Jumpcut
24. Kewego
25. Metacafe
26. Microsoft Soapbox Beta on MSN Video
27. Mixpo
28. Motionbox
29. MySpaceTV
30. Nelsock
31. Ning Videos
32. Ourmedia
33. Phanfare
34. Photobucket
35. Revver
36. Sevenload
37. Veoh
38. Viddler
39. Vidiac
40. Vidilife
41. Vimeo
42. Vodpod
43. vSocial
44. Vmix
45. Webfives.com
46. Webshots
47. Yahoo Video
48. YouAreTV
49. YouTube

Simply create a video and then upload it to a video sharing site and then use embedded code to put it on your site.

• Use it to grab visitor‘s attention and have them ―sticking to your client‘s site
• Many lazy visitors would rather watch a short video than read a bunch of text.
• Use it to brand your client.
• Use it to build trust.
• Use it to inform or educate visitors.

How to Make a Video

Make sure they are short and to the point otherwise people will get bored watching them. I would say that anything between 30 seconds and 3 minutes is ideal.

Useful Tools to use

If you are going to make a slide show video you will want to collect some images, music samples and a video slide show tool such as Animoto or Windows Movie Maker.

You can also do a voice over using Microsoft Powerpoint or again Windows Movie Maker.

I use Camtasia for all of my videos and is the next step for when you want to create professional videos for clients.

A great tactic is to gather video testimonials from customers of your client. If you can capture real people on video saying great things about the company it will spread like wildfire within the sector. Most mobile phones nowadays have video but a more professional approach is the Flip HD video camera. I have one of these myself and take it everywhere with me just in case there is an opportunity to film. It is simple point and click and when you want to download the video you just insert the camera via its USB port into the computer and download the film – it is so easy even I can do it!

I will be honest here and say that I love making the videos but find the marketing of them to all the video sites extremely boring – so I always outsource this to someone else. Once you have tried a few people you will find someone that you enjoy working with and who will provide you with a good service. This is a very profitable method as you can charge around Ј200 pm to a client and get the work done for around $30 - $100...

QUICK TIP: When you contact a service offering Video Marketing make sure you make them understand that you need the videos optimising for SEO and provide them with the correct information otherwise they will just use the first keywords they find and you won't rank for them.

This is the information that I provide to a service to ensure that it is completed to my (and my clients) satisfaction:

Title of the video – start with the main keyword phrase followed by a secondary keyword phrase. Then provide the company name followed by the phone number.

Description – Domain name followed by the first and secondary keyword phrases. A brief description followed by phone us now on...phone number

Category – Find the closest category you can for your client's sector.

I would advise you to use video marketing wisely and don’t try to spam the video networks otherwise you will destroy the clients’ credibility and lose his business.

Something else - this program will help you a lot in your video marketing strategy. I will not describe it here, just have a look for yourself! ;-) Tube ToolBox: http://www.tubetoolbox.com/

I always start with article marketing and then move on to video media marketing....

Read about Article marketing here: http://golearnweb.com/seo-tutorials/simple-article-marketing-strategy.html

SOURSE: http://golearnweb.com/seo-tutorials/easy-web-video-marketing-strategy.html

вторник, 1 март 2011 г.

Simple article marketing strategy http://golearnweb.com/seo-tutorials/simple-article-marketing-strategy.html

Simple article marketing strategy

Simple article marketing strategy

Article marketing strategy is easy to follow once you get used to the process.

Article marketing can be used to drive links and will help you outrank your competitors. You have to be consistent with submitting articles and do it every month. That will keep traffic moving toward your site through the numerous back-links created with all of the articles.

This is how to do it if you decide not to outsource and do it yourself. It's a good idea even if you plan to outsource in the future to try it yourself as it will give you the background and knowledge of how Article Marketing works.

The first stage is – Keyword Research

Let's use an example client of mine who operates in the education sector providing podcasting training and opportunities for students. The first thing to do is identify the sector we want to rank for – Careers Advice.

If you Google the phrase “Careers advice” then you will get 1,470,000 competing searches. To try and rank for this keyword phrase would be almost impossible without using paid traffic methods so we need to find some alternatives and then analyse the keywords to find ones that we can rank for.

So now use the Google keyword tool – you can find this by Googling the term “External Google Keyword Tool”


Now just type in the search phrase for your sector and select the locations you want to search for. Enter the Captcha you will get some results back:


Next step – Keyword Analysis

I use a software tool SeNuke but it is around $67 a month to use so when you first start out you can use the free trial of Market Samurai which does a good job. Now enter your keywords from Google into Market Samurai and it will filter out the ones that are uncompetitive and leave you with ones that you can definitely rank for.

Once you have a list of these you can start writing articles based around the keywords and submit them to the article networks.

I discovered that one of the best keyword phrases for this client would be “Careers advice for Young People” and currently have the 3rd and 10th place on Google using Article Marketing.

Next step – Article Submission

A recent trick I have discovered is using the paid version of ezine articles. I managed to get their once a year offer of 6 months for the price of 3 which was a good deal.

If you have the paid version you don't have to wait for around 7 days to get your articles approved – it is done within the hour. This is obviously a great bonus as ezine gets around 1 million page views a month.

Once you have submitted to ezine then you submit to the other 19 of the top 20 networks. Here is a list of them:

Top 20 Article Networks

EzineArticles.com PR6

GoArticles.com PR4

ArticleDashboard.com PR6

SearchWarp.com PR5

ArticlesBase.com PR4

iSnare.com PR6

SelfGrowth.com PR6

Buzzle.com PR6

ArticleCity.com PR6

IdeaMarketers.com PR4

ArticleAlley.com PR5

Web-Source.net PR5

SelfSEO.com PR5

Amazines.com PR5

ArticleTrader.com PR5

SearchGuild.com PR6

WebWorldIndex.com PR5

ArticleSphere.com PR4

BusinessKnowHow.com PR6

If you submit one each of your spun articles to these networks then you will see fantastic results. I tend to submit an article to 5 networks per day so that in 4 days you have done them all.

The next step is to now submit to all the other networks using Article Marketing Robot


QUICK TIP – make sure you only submit an article once to a network. If you keep submitting duplicate articles by mistake they will ban you from the network!

The best way to do this is to find the 20 networks above in your copy of Article Marketing Robot and then remove them so you don't duplicate your submissions.

Final step – Check results and prepare a report for your client

Look up the title of your article in google to see how well it is ranking:

For example an article I submitted for a client: “Careers dvice For Young People - How To Get A Great Job In A Recession and Stand Out From The Crowd”


50,000 results in google which is fantastic!

The other thing you want to document is the keyword phrase you are trying to rank for – in this instance it is “Careers advice For Young People”

Type that into google:


And there we are in third place up with the government links!

If you want to get expert at Article Marketing then make sure you watch the Article Marketing Robot videos as they are easy to follow and grab a free trial for the software! I really do recommend this excellent program!

It's a fully functioning 5 day trial so you can show off to your new clients before having to buy it..as I said earlier try and write lots of articles first so you can make the most of the free trial.

SOURSE: http://golearnweb.com/seo-tutorials/simple-article-marketing-strategy.html