неделя, 27 февруари 2011 г.

Mass email marketing software-advantages and disadvantages http://golearnweb.com/web-design-pro-tutorials/mass-email-marketing-software-advantages-and-disadvantages.html

Mass email marketing software-advantages and disadvantages

Mass email marketing software-advantages and disadvantages

Email marketing software is a very efficient way to reach clients and consumers. Billions of people all over the world are using the communication and messaging. Online companies and stores should use this in order to send invitations commercial and advertisement in a more rapid and efficient manner.

Most of the features and functions provided with the software are automated. This would minimize the effort needed in the part of the marketer. This is a very effective marketing tool to help businesses increase sales and income. The email marketing software can do all the basic and complicated processes needed to be accomplished. The marketing software can conduct research through surveys and questionnaires. This is possible through the connections and affiliations of the software manufacturer.

The email marketing software can increase the sales and income of online businesses within weeks. The software can collect e-mail accounts using different Internet sites and pages - for example Twitter. The process is automated which allows the online business to connect to new clients daily.

The e-mail marketing software is recommended for small and large businesses. It is a very valuable marketing tool which can accomplish a lot of results in a short period of time. Instead of investing in a different marketing techniques and methods, people should use the marketing software. It can conduct research, send invitations and create e-mail listings. The software has changed how marketing is accomplished.

So where to find good mass mailer?

I used to work with a lot of mass mailers (even with built-in smtp). Most of the programs have their pluses BUT more important - minuses! :-( There is absolutely NO SUPPORT and some newbie will not understand basic stuff about his/her e-mail campaign.

For example here are some questions:

1. What is SMTP?
2. Proxies?
3. Why e-mails I am sending go to SPAM folder?
4. How many e-mails can I send per hour?
5. Should I use dedicated server or shared hosting?
6. What is VPS?

Trying to connect to most program's support is a waste of time. Moreover - there is absolutely NO info regarding sending e-mails, harvesting them, options of sending them using SMTP, proxies, etc.


Until today! I've foud this site - http://mailmascot.com I am in a hurry to tell you about the advantages:

1. Excellent program for mass email marketing
2. Recent updates (now it is 1.999 version)
3. Great, and i mean it - GREAT support!
4. Forum with instant answers to your questions regarding email marketing.
5. And the most important - videos!!! Yeah! all is explained in simple, easy to follow and understand videos uploaded to youtube! just type "mail mascot" in youtube search to find that marvelous channel. Or just follow this link: http://www.youtube.com/user/mailmascot

Now about the disadvantages... Hmm, let me think... Nope, there are no such... Seriously!

If you are serious internet buisnessman and are selling some goodies, e-books, services you MUST HAVE this program! It will rapidly increase your traffic (you can make it niche related as well!) And the price of this treasure? I won't tell you! Go check it for yourself!

The best mass email marketing software on the market: http://mailmascot.com

Cheers, Alex

SOURSE: http://golearnweb.com/web-design-pro-tutorials/mass-email-marketing-software-advantages-and-disadvantages.html

петък, 25 февруари 2011 г.

White hat seo or soon I will be on the first page on Google http://golearnweb.com/seo-tutorials/white-hat-seo-or-soon-i-will-be-on-the-first-page-on-google.html

White hat seo or soon I will be on the first page on Google

White hat seo or soon I will be on the first page on Google

1. SEO from the beginning. You should incorporate SEO planning into your website project right from the get go. Many builders opt for the “build first, ask later” approach and inevitably get fried as a result.

Don’t be like the entrepreneur who spent thousands on a marketing and advertising campaign around his new website’s launch which was built entirely using Flash. Save yourself time and money by making SEO a priority right from the beginning which will influence the way the design, layout and content of the website is built and placed. Constantly meet up with the SEO project team to ensure that all site elements are addressed, such as tags, links, content, site architecture, URL, code and redirects. SEO matters should always be considered from the website planning and development stage all the way to the maintenance phase, and beyond.

Things to take note of:

* Flash-type website is not good for SEO. Spiders can’t read flash
* Websites full of graphics and little text cannot rank well, as spiders can’t see images.
* Focus on building text-based websites. The longer and more useful information there is, the merrier.
* Focus on having only one main keyword per web page.

2. Use the right keywords. Sounds easy? Picking the right keywords to use requires a thorough understanding of what words and phrases your target audience is likely to use when entering search queries and a strong research effort to optimize said words. Stand in their shoes and determine what words they are going to enter to find your website and web pages. Don’t use technical and sophisticated terms; searchers don’t understand what they mean and won’t bother inputting them to find what they want. Instead use layman terms. As mentioned, use phrases that narrow down the focus and attract your intended target audience. Devise a list of words that you think are relevant to your website, and then use keyword research tools to further refine and whittle down the list. Take the following into consideration when deliberating on the choice of keywords:

* Strong relevancy for which you can create content to support and build on.
* Low number of search results and small competition.
* Popular terms that many people use and, hence, a high search volume.

Conduct careful research to find the right balance. You do not want keywords that are so generic that you will have a hard time getting into the rankings (let alone finding your target audience) and yet you also do not want them to be too narrow and specific that no one will search for them. Also, consider the following once the keywords have been chosen:

* For best results, each web page should have 1 main keyword and 4 related keywords at most.
* Support your keywords with relevant text and content, and all of this information should be placed high up on the web page, at the very beginning of the body of content.
* Be sure to include keywords in the following elements: navigation links, headings, all tags (title, description, and meta), and alt text.

Keep the keyword list updated and anticipate cyclical changes when keywords will evolve to suit a particular event or circumstance. Store keywords into an inventory and constantly run keyword research tools on them to see what’s hot and what’s not at any given moment. As your website grows and evolves along with customer needs and wants, so too will your keyword list grow in tandem.

Do not go overboard and saturate your web pages with keywords, hoping to rank high on search engine rankings this way. You may find yourself pushed lower instead. In SEO, keyword density means the percentage of times a particular keyword appears on a webpage compared to the total number of words in that webpage. Spiders that crawl and detect a high keyword density may conclude that you are merely padding your webpage with that keyword (keyword stuffing) to try to attract traffic and they may penalize you by downgrading your search engine ranking based on that keyword. A general rule of thumb is to keep the keyword density around 2 to 4 percent in body content. This is the best range from my experience.

3. Targeted, directed traffic over mass traffic. Your SEO efforts should be about getting qualified traffic, traffic that matters. Fact is, general visitors to your site are going to spend just a little amount of time on your website. Targeted visitors are going to see if your site really has what they want, what they need. A sound SEO plan will answer the visitor’s query and attend to his needs as soon as he arrives at the website, such as through optimised content management whereby rich, relevant information such as articles and links are strategically placed on the body of the page.

4. Every page on your website is an access point. Remember: Google ranks pages, not domains. Gone are the days when the website’s homepage served as the primary access point from which visitors examine and navigate the rest of the website. SEO has flung wide the doors of opportunity and now searchers can be directed to their destinations without having to navigate through a primary homepage. Indeed, they can land anywhere on your website as long as it pertains to what they are seeking. Smart online business owners will know that the importance of SEO is not limited to just the traditional homepage of the website, but every page has the potential to attract potential customers and be the setting point from which they further explore their website. Hence, be sure to address potential customer needs and wants by having clear, easy site navigation, well written site content that tells the visitor which part of the site they are on and where to go to further their queries within the site, an internal search tool, comparable listings, and site anchors. Every web page should have a clear main keyword, appropriate meta tags, descriptions, page titles and qualified content so that they go with your targeted audience’s queries and needs when they search online and navigate to your webpage.

5. Content, content, content. At its heart SEO is about the proper usage of words, words and words. Clear, easy to understand content that informs and answers the queries and questions of searchers will attract traffic. Most importantly, good and relevant content can retain traffic. Whether you like it or not, Google is extremely good at tracking visitor behavior. If a site’s visitors show satisfaction, then Google will reward that site with better ranking, since it means that the search results displayed is very relevant to what the searchers want. It will also give spiders a lucid idea of what your site is about and what it aims to achieve. Be sure to observe proper grammar and spelling, proper placement and usage of keywords and phrases, and the content must be fresh, up to date and be presented in short, easily readable paragraphs. You don’t have to do all the writing by yourself. Make use of user generated content such as reviews, feedbacks, news feeds and research reports to bolster your existing content.

6. Your image is at stake. Do a quick search on Google and see what results you get when you enter your business’ name, your name, your employee’s name, the nature of your business, and other queries related to your online business. You may be surprised to find that there are negative things said about you out there. Worst, it could be very first thing you see on the first page. It might be negative content that has since lost its relevancy as time goes by. It might have been a fault about your product that your business has since corrected. However, just by sitting there on the first spot of search engine rankings today, it’s going to give searchers and your audience a negative perception about you right off the bat. What’s an online business to do? Engage SEO and make sure that you optimize your web site’s on-page and off-page leverage so it gets to, and stays, at the top, knocking off the bad press pages. Marketing and branding wise, be smart and generate useful content to project a positive image. Engage your viewers, both good and bad, to see what needs to be done. Have constant, frequent dialogue with bloggers, customers and online communities. Spread good things about your online business that you know will set tongues wagging (and fingers clicking) on the Internet, such as contributions to noble causes and charitable donations. Good image helps branding, which in turn builds word of mouth on the Internet, which translates to more backlinking to your web site. Others will pick up the good news and create their own positive content about your online business. Over time, quite simply, the good content is going to grow and grow, meaning more free backlinks!

7. Whenever you can, be specific. Use keywords and phrases instead of pronouns. Don’t use “we”, “us”, “our”, for example. Spiders aren’t going to understand what those terms are referring to. Instead, use terms like “ABC corporation” whenever you can.

8. Place the keywords and phrases at the beginning of the content. Spiders allocate more value to words and phrases that are placed near the top of the content, especially the first 100 words. They may read the entire content from top to bottom, or they may not. Similarly, your visitors may read the entire content from beginning to end, but they aren’t likely to read all of it if the first few sentences don’t have the keywords or phrases that will anchor their attention to your webpage. Present yourself clearly and effectively from the beginning.

9. Use keywords and phrases as often as possible. Just don’t go overboard and place words and phrases for the sake of spider crawling alone. Be intelligent and creative in how you present your content. Keep in mind the content is for your target market, not for the spiders. Before starting to write, research the keywords and phrases that are relevant to what you are doing and that will accomplish your goals, and make sure that they match precisely what your intended target audience will be entering into their search engine queries.

10. Use semantically related words. To take advantage of latent semantic indexing, use words and phrases that are related to your main keyword or phrase and include them into your web page. Search engines give more priority and rank higher those pages that back up their keywords with related terms. For example, if your website is about computers, use related terms like PC, hardware, software, laptop, desktop, computers, computing, mouse, monitors, hard drive, motherboard, processor, and so forth, throughout your whole website.

11. Observe differing versions of keywords and phrases. Consider the plural and singular form for words and phrases. Ascertain the way searchers enter the query words if they have various spelling forms (digicam, digital camera). Be consistent about the way you enter keywords and phrases into your web page. Use only one form of spelling for one particular web page. So, as an example, you can use the term “digital camera” as the main keyword for one web page, and its variant term “digicam” as the main keyword for another page. Doing this also helps you rank for multiple keywords.

12. Have a preference for phrases over keywords. Searchers are more likely to enter phrases than keywords into search boxes to narrow down their search results and be more specific in finding what they want. “Computer” is too generic as a keyword. Searchers may instead enter “Dell studio 450”. In this case, you want to have a page that targets this keyword. Use relevant phrases that will direct your target audience to your web pages.

13. Don’t use images if you can write it. Spiders read and interpret text and cannot decipher images. If you can write it out, then do so. If you want to put in images, at least make sure to tag and label them accordingly along with a proper caption. A description below the image to tell what the image is about works very well.

14. Proper grammar and spelling. Proofread and edit your content frequently to catch spelling mistakes and grammar errors. It does no good if you spell your keywords wrongly and searchers aren’t going to find your website on the search engines. Whenever your website is updated with new content, make sure they are properly proofread. The exception to the rule is, if you are targeting misspelled keywords, you probably want to “intentionally” misspell the words so you can rank for the misspelled keyword.

15. Snippets are important. A snippet is the short text that accompanies every search engine result. They are important in drawing searchers to your site since they can be used to encapsulate what your website/web page is about. Write a unique description meta tag for every web page that you have so that searchers get a clear understanding of what you offer on your site. Snippets are gaining more importance nowadays as Google is tracking the click-through rates of search results listings. If you are ranked #7 yet you have a better click-through rate and retention rate than listing #5, you are probably going to rank higher very soon, ceteris paribus.

16. Don’t use Flash. Spiders don’t read Flash. If you really must, create another HTML site to complement your Flash site. Flash sites may be flashy and look very cool and modern, but when it comes to SEO they might as well not exist.

17. Don’t duplicate your content. Spiders don’t look too kindly on blocks of the same text and content that appear on multiple domains or pages of the same website. Vary your content from page to page, domain to domain. Use “nofollow” and “noindex” to block spiders from accessing the duplicates otherwise.

18. Create your website using clean, efficient coding. Avoid clunky, messy coding that will confuse spiders as they crawl through your website. Search engines like websites with clean, uniform, precise and efficient code that are more semantically defined and that comply with the latest Web standards.

19. Don’t use splash pages. Splash pages, in order to grab the viewer’s attention, are rich in visual graphics and sound but have minimal text content. This is poor optimization for spiders when they crawl through your site. Therefore don’t use splash pages if you can help it.

20. Use internal linking. Include links that navigate to other areas of your website whenever the occasion presents itself. Structure them in such a way so that visitors will connect the dots and navigate from page to page because the contents are relevant to what they want and need. Internal links also give spiders a chance to investigate your website deeper and delve into more and more pages. Good internal linking: Every page should be less than 2 clicks away from your home page.

21. Text first, graphics second. Spiders pay attention to what’s placed on your webpage first. They look for words and give higher priority to words that appear near the top of the page. If you put too many images at the top of the page, the spiders may give a lower ranking for your webpage. Put images at the bottom and text on top for best effect. However, if you have a video, place it at the beginning, above-the-fold. Videos have proven to lengthen visitors’ staying time on your site, which can positively affect how Google judges your site.

22. Title tag is king. What you type here for the title tag will be the exact same words and phrases that appear in the title bar. More importantly, they also appear as the text for links for search engine results. When spiders enter your site, the first thing they are going to see is your title tag. Therefore, make sure that the words used in the title tag are related to the keywords for your SEO. Since each HTML or XHTML web page on your site requires a title tag, customize and optimize for each web page by using highly-targeted, focused keywords that are relevant to each. Use proper grammar and apply seperators such as commas and semicolons when writing text for title tags to make text structure easier to comprehend. While it’s very tempting to squeeze as many keywords into the title tag as possible, bear in mind that the content of the web page is also very important in determining SEO as well. You may end up with a long and rumbling web page that would have served SEO purposes better had it been split up into several web pages. Hence, it may be necessary to make two or more separate web pages so that the keywords and content are aligned in purpose and optimization is achieved.

23. Get linked. Much like how we humans have friends who exert more influence and popularity than others in a social network, the same can be pretty much said for websites who share a common background or network. Links are therefore the relationships that connect websites to each other. Similarly, one of the criteria search engines use to determine your placing on the page rankings is by looking at the quality of the links to your site. The more links to your site from other places on the Internet, called inbound links, the more esteem you have according to the eyes of the search engines. However, quality matters over quantity. To get quality inbound links, they must come from related and relevant websites that have high page rankings. Usually, these websites are perceived as the authoritative head by members of the relevant community and hence have great sway and prestige. Request the site owner for a link to your website politely and return the favour if accepted. It is also good marketing and business practise to provide links to these websites from your own. Finally, manage your links and discard those that link to non-existent web pages, or have not been updated in a long time.

24. Avoid bad company. Just as you would do your best to get quality inbound links to your website, you have to be mindful of bad apples that could potentially ruin your page ranking standings by way of association. Websites that have a spotty reputation and that use unethical and sneaky means of getting visitors to their site or to increase their page rankings are definitely to be avoided at all costs. Some of the methods these websites employ include:

* Duplicitous content
* Spamming
* Keyword stuffing
* Violating copyright laws
* Link farming
* Doorway pages
* Installation of software without the user’s permission or knowledge

Likewise, refrain from the above practises or you will find yourself losing more than just your page ranking standings. Check the background of sites that you are linking to, and that are going to be linked to you. Link only to contextually relevant websites with a solid, proven background and reputation. At the same time, constantly update your website with original content and observe ethical business practices so that your website is beyond reproach, which in turn means more quality inbound links.

25. Avoid farming links. You may have come across web pages where the only thing you can see is a sea of links, with minimal or no useful content whatsoever. These are link farms, which exist solely to stuff the site with as many links as possible to boost their visibility to spiders and searchers alike. This is a deceptive practise and all search engines frown heavily on this kind of link stuffing. That’s why it is very important that when you create outbound links to other websites, make very certain that those websites share a contextual relevance with your own and harness only good quality links. When considering whether to link to a site, check the website and especially take note of the content of the website. If the contents appear to be irrelevant to what the website is purported to be about, or if the contents seem to be duplicated or otherwise dubious, then it is best not to link to that site. Also, see if there is some contact information on the website. You have the right to be highly suspicious if the web site provides no contact information of any kind. As always, exercise caution and due diligence when you want to consider outsourcing and hire the services of search engine optimizers who promise you thousands and thousands of quality links to boost your page rankings in no time flat. There is a high chance that the person is using unscrupulous methods to get those links such as software-generated link farming.

26. Avoid keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing is the practise of overloading web page content or its meta tags with keywords for the purpose of increasing search visibility and page ranking. Some ingenious technics used back in the day include hiding text in the background by blending them together in the same color and using cascading style sheets (CSS) positioning. It goes without saying that search engines have clamped down hard on this method and it is now no longer effective in SEO. However, there are still black hat SEOs out there who want to outsmart the system and still employ keyword stuffing albeit in a different form. These now include:

* Gibberish
* Tiny text (to maximize page space for keyword stuffing)
* Duplicating the content
* Hiding text

Be sure to write content that is geared for the end users rather than for the system to increase your page ranking. A world of good can only come if you constantly provide quality content.

27. robots.txt. Robots.txt files are essentially barriers that prevent spiders and other search crawlers from accessing a particular web page. For example, if your website has web pages with duplicate content or sensitive information, you will want to include a robots.txt to these pages so that they don’t get indexed and appear on search engines. The common format is:

User-Agent: [Spider or Bot name]
Disallow: [Directory or file name]

Simply open notepad or another text editor and enter the lines of text. One of the foremost reasons for using a robots.txt file is to protect privacy and to block out certain sections of a website that have no relevancy to its primary uses and functions. Take note that robots.txt files are not a complete safeguard against intrusion of privacy, however. Always take safety precautions and build smart website structures and hierarchies to minimize risk.

28. What to look for in a SEO. There are many different kinds of SEOs out there, and with the increasing sophistication and diversity of both search engine optimization and Internet devices, you should pick a SEO that would best suit your needs, aims and objectives. Check the credentials of the SEO and make sure that he walks the talk, so to speak. Speak with clients whom the SEO has worked with before and determine what methods he employs to optimize page rankings. To get a better understanding of the SEO:

* Request for the SEO’s portfolio of work and testimonials
* Past experience and current outlook about SEO
* Clients and referrals
* Value-added services, if any
* Affiliations and associations that the SEO is a member of
* Practices and methods used
* Fees and charges

The expected duties of SEOs today also encompass the areas of site traffic, link and network building and helping increase conversion rates. Consult with the SEO about the services offered and how that would best fit in with your overall strategy. Make sure to discuss the following points with your SEO and improvise and adjust as necessary as the project progresses:

* Site coding, structure and hierarchy
* Optimization by media platform
* Keyword and phrase research
* Content development
* Linking and networking strategy
* Ongoing monitoring and rank reporting

Avoid instant quick fix offers and solutions that “guarantee” instant high page rankings or other such dubious claims. Some SEOs may indeed give you fast short term gains but with awful long term consequences. Don’t get scammed and if an offer seems too good to be true, it usually is. Generally, stay away from black hat practices and work hard and diligently at ethical, legal SEO methods and the results will come.

29. Search is getting more personalized. The major search engines are already offering users and searchers many options and choices for narrowing down their searches so that they can get to what they want quickly and efficiently. Many other factors are also playing havoc with the concept of being ranked highly in the search engines, particularly now that search engines are getting more and more personalized and detailed in their search criteria offerings. Depending on region, personal details, language, filters and preferences, what may be a number one ranking for a particular query may not even appear at all for another similar search. What this means for SEO is that SEO is never a one-and-done deal; it is an organic process that continues to evolve and adapt to externally changing situations and circumstances so that a particular site will remain high in its rankings.

30. User generated content (UGC). User generated content, also known as user created content (UCC) are publicly available media content that are created by end users. In the world of SEO, they are a major force to be reckoned with as they increase visibility and spread awareness of a brand or website. Examples of UGC include reviews and testimonials. You may have already seen reviews done by your friends or family on a product and may have even done some reviewing of your own. Some UGC may link back to your website, while others may provide quality content about it. It is good practise to create and foster an online community where users get to trade information and opinions with one another so that you can maximize your site’s exposure and increase its page rank through content creation and keyword generation on the community’s part. However, the community must be genuine and be free from outside interference, even your own. Moderation is practical so long as it deals with abuses and other infractions that would harm the community. Encourage user participation on your website by having contests and other such events so that more UGC is created. Lastly, keep in mind that UGC such as reviews can be either positive or negative. You cannot satisfy everyone 100%, but know that the good outweigh the bad by far when it comes to user created content for SEO.

31. Google Sandbox effect. Many falsely refer to the Google sandbox effect as either their website being delisted or listed under supplemental results. Sandbox merely means Google is testing the ranking, nothing bad about that. However, getting delisted is a problem, while getting into supplemental index is another case. The real sandbox is the one that new domains are indexed to. For Google to determine a new domain’s ranking, they will place the new domain a little bit higher on the search rankings so that more visitors will go to it initially. Google can then profile the web site’s visitor response, from which Google will be able to determine the correct placement of the website. Usually, new domains will experience high ranking on the early stages, and then suddenly experience a drop. This is because the early ranking was only temporary and Google has since determined that the site does not deserve a high ranking, hence dropping it. We also have cases where google decided that the site deserved a higher ranking and got pushed further up. This is the true sandbox.

The sandbox fear that says too much backlinks will hurt a site is just a rumour. It was true somewhere back in 2006 to 2007. Back then, SEO firms exploited this and started spamming competitors’ site with thousands of backlinks a day to see them drop dramatically in the rankings. After that, Google decided that off-page linkbuilding will not affect your ranking. Google has even publicly confirmed that off-page linkbuilding will NOT affect ranking anymore:http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=34449

32. Duplicate content is fine (wait, what?). This may sound absurd. You know that Google penalizes web sites for duplicating content. Actually, this is true only if you duplicate content within your own domain. For example, if you have the same content on both www.domain.com/page1.html and www.domain.com/page2.html, then Google is going to penalize you. However, if the same content were to appear on two (or more) different domains, such as www.hisdomain.com/page1.html and www.herdomain.com/page1.html, then Google will treat the content as if it were unique and not penalize either site. This only makes sense as articles, press releases and other content do get copied and duplicated over many different web sites. What this means is that you can submit the same content to as many sites as you want, for example submitting the same article to dozens of article directories, without fear of being penalized or downranked. Bear in mind that Google will be placing excessive duplicated content in their supplemental index, which means, duplicates won’t really show up in search results. It is still a fruitful practice to submit the same content to as many relevant sites as possible so it gains maximum exposure to readers and Internet users. These readers may very well link to your original site from their own blogs, web pages or sites and therefore increase traffic and the number of backlinks to your site.

More on duplicated content and getting flushed into supplemental index: Most of the time, duplicate results are shown in a supplemental index (that means, not displayed). Google has a problem determining who is the original and who is the duplicate. This can happen if someone else copied your content and Google actually thinks the other person is the original and you are the duplicate. However, there is still a way to let Google know who is the original. For example, you have the same article on your site and on 1,000 article directories. The best way to tell Google you are the original is to have the 1,000 sites point a link back to your site. This is the same as academic referencing where 1,000 sites referenced your site. Therefore, this tells Google your site is the original source. Also, since 1,000 other sites referenced your site, it makes Google think that the content is quite important and hence, rank better. If your content has been copied and Google mistakenly puts you in the supplemental index, what you can do is to change your content afresh and make a press release. This way, you have unique content and the press release will bring the spiders back to your site so Google can recache your site. This often rescues a site from getting binned in the supplemental index.

SOURSE: http://golearnweb.com/seo-tutorials/white-hat-seo-or-soon-i-will-be-on-the-first-page-on-google.html

четвъртък, 24 февруари 2011 г.

When Is the Right Time to Redesign? http://golearnweb.com/web-designer-pro-tutorials/when-is-the-right-time-to-redesign.html

When Is the Right Time to Redesign?

When Is the Right Time to Redesign?

If you run a website, chances are you often wonder whether it is the right time to do a total redesign of the layout of your website. Here are some points to consider:

Are you thinking of a redesign just for the sake of it? If you answered yes to that question, it is not yet the right time to do a redesign. Remember, a design serves a specific purpose. If you are not sure whether to do an overhaul of your site, keep in mind that your current design might have a specific purpose that you might not know about. You will lose that function if you do a redesign.

On the other hand, if your website has had the same website design since 1990, perhaps it is high time to do a redesign. The last thing you would ever want to happen to your site is when visitors leave your site without taking a look at your content just because the design is old fashioned. If this is your case, here are some points to ponder before doing a redesign.

Redesigning your website is like performing plastic surgery on it. Your website loses its current identity (for the better or worse) and your regular visitors might not recognise your new design at first glance. You risk losing them just because they thought they landed on the wrong page. Hence, it is very important that you retain a characteristic feature from your old layout. Perhaps it is the logo of your site; perhaps it is the same text style for the title for your site.

To play it safe, put a poll on your site to let your visitors do the talking. If they think it is necessary for the website to have a fresh look, give it to them!

SOURSE: http://golearnweb.com/web-designer-pro-tutorials/when-is-the-right-time-to-redesign.html

четвъртък, 17 февруари 2011 г.

Web Design Elements You Should Avoid Having on Your Site http://golearnweb.com/seo-tutorials/web-design-elements-you-should-avoid-having-on-your-site.html

Web Design Elements You Should Avoid Having on Your Site

Web Design Elements You Should Avoid Having on Your Site

As a web designer, you should design your websites to give your visitors the greatest ease of use, the best impression and most important of all a welcoming experience. It doesn't matter if you had the greatest product in the whole world -- if your website is poorly done you won't be able to sell even one copy of it because visitors will be driven off your website by the lousy design.

When I'm talking about a "good design", I'm not only talking about a good graphical design. A professional web design will be able to point out that there are many components which contribute to a good website design -- accessibility design, interface or layout design, user experience design and of course the most straightforward, which is graphic design.

Hence, I have highlighted some features of the worst web designs I've come across. Hopefully, you will be able to compare that against your own site as a checklist and if anything on your site fits the criteria, you should know it's high time to take serious action!

1) Background music

Unless you are running a site which promotes a band, a CD or anything related to music, I would really advise you to stay away from putting looping background music onto your site. It might sound pleasant to you at first, but imagine if you ran a big site with hundreds of pages and everytime a visitor browses to another page on your site, the background music starts playing again. If I were your visitor, I'd just turn off my speakers or leave your site. Moreover, they just add to the visitors burden when viewing your site -- users on dial up connections will have to wait longer just to view your site as it is meant to be viewed.

2) Extra large/small text size

As I said, there is more to web design than purely graphics -- user accessibility is one big part of it too! You should design the text on your site to be legible and reasonably sized to enable your visitors to read it without straining their eyes. No matter how good the content of your website or your sales copy is, if it's illegible you won't be selling anything!

3) Popup windows

Popup windows are so blatantly used to display advertisements that in my mind, 90% of popup windows are not worth my attention so I just close them on instinct everytime each one manages to pass through my popup blocker (yes, I do have one like many users out there!) and, well, pops up on my screen. Imagine if you had a very important message to convey and you put it in a popup window that gets killed most of the time it appears on a visitor's screen. Your website loses its function immediately!

In concluding this article, let me remind you that as a webmaster your job is to make sure your website does what it's meant to do effectively. Don't let some minor mistakes stop your site from functioning optimally!

AUTHOR: http://golearnweb.com/seo-tutorials/web-design-elements-you-should-avoid-having-on-your-site.html

вторник, 15 февруари 2011 г.

How to find the best micro job web site or fiverr like clone http://golearnweb.com/web-designer-pro-tutorials/how-to-find-the-best-micro-job-web-site-or-fiverr-like-clone.html

How to find the best micro job web site or fiverr like clone

How to find the best micro job web site or fiverr like clone

There are a lot of Fiverr clones. In December 2009 Fiverr.com was launched. After a huge success, fiverr clones grew like mushrooms after rain! Everybody wanted to take part of this big new MONEY FILLED SENSATION. So far there are more than 30 fiverr clones (and counting...)!

BUT due to the big amount of those kind of sites ordinary sellers and buyers could not make up their minds as to which one to use! A site describing all fiverr-like web sites was needed.

So here we go: WWW.FIVERRWAY.COM!

When I first searched "fiverr-like sites" keyword in Google, fiverrway.com came accross to help me out! What are we talking about here?

Simple my friend!

In fiverrway.com we will find tones of useful information regarding fiverr clones: description, reviews, images, suggestions... It is easy to navigate, simple in its use and informative web site. Only serious internet sellers and buyers will have success in their intensions of doing buisness in micro job sites. And I suggest you start YOUR WAY with fiverrway.com!

Good luck and Best Regards to the owner of this MARVELOUS Mastarpiece - Cristian Neacsu!

Excellent work, keep it uP!

P.S. I've ordered one of Cristian's gigs from www.globalcommunity.me/gigs and he overdelivered! Hense he is not only very good web master but also honest and reliable person in one word a dream seller! He even made a very cool video for GOLearnWeb.com! Enjoy it!

Cheers, Alex

AUTHOR: http://golearnweb.com/web-designer-pro-tutorials/how-to-find-the-best-micro-job-web-site-or-fiverr-like-clone.html

Make It Easy To Buy From Your Site http://golearnweb.com/web-designer-pro-tutorials/make-it-easy-to-buy-from-your-site.html

Make It Easy To Buy From Your Site

Make It Easy To Buy From Your Site

Convincing your prospects to purchase from you is a hard job, but have you ever thought that you're making the process twice as difficult for both parties if your prospects are convinced but don't know how to buy from you? No matter how good you are at convincing your prospects, they won't buy if they find the process cumbersome.

First, you will want to check that people can find your order form easily and hassle-free. You can write a clear, concise paragraph to direct your prospects to your order form so that you can minimize the chances of them getting lost. You can also reduce the chances of losing prospects by putting a prominent link to your order page from every other page on your site.

Also, do you offer multiple payment options? Some people may feel comfortable paying via Paypal, some may only want to pay with their credit card and others might want to send a cheque. The more options you offer, the better your chances of covering your prospects' desired payment method. After all, it wouldn't make any sense to sell hard to a prospect only to find that they won't be able to pay you when they want to.

On the other hand, you will want to prove that you are a credible merchant. Is your order form secured using encryption technology? You would want to look into SSL for this. You can also offer a money back guarantee so that people will feel confident about buying from you. How about after sales support? Who do they contact when they have problems after purchasing?

Alternatively, you can add customer testimonials, your contact information, address, and so on to boost your prospects' confidence. Make them feel safe about buying something from you, a total stranger to them on the other end of the Internet.

As a conclusion, it would be very pitiful if you sold hard and sold well to a prospect and something goes wrong when he or she is ready to pay. Eliminate any chances of that to maximize your profits!

Building Your Mailing List with Downloads

A mailing list is the lifeblood of your online business. The old adage "the money is in the list" cannot be true enough -- if you had a targeted list of prospects to contact each time you have a new product, you will be able to save a lot of effort by marketing it to your existing list of targeted prospects.

You can actually build up a targeted list of prospects that are interested in your products by offering a relevant download on your website. For example, let's take a look at a very good example -- apple.com. When you download the free iTunes and Quicktime software from their site, they will ask you to fill in an optional name and email form so that they can send you offers on songs that you can purchase via -- guess where -- iTunes!

In reality, you do not need to offer such a "heavyweight" download such as a full-feature software like iTunes. You can attract prospects equally well with some quality freebies such as a simple report, a free wallpaper, and so on. The important thing is that your download offers enough value for the prospect to be willing to give away his/her own email address to get it.

However, slapping together a simple download and putting a link on your website won't be enough to attract qualified prospects. You will have to do some homework in order for your lead-generating mechanism to work well for you.

First of all, you must place your download form prominently on your website. Preferably, dedicate a page to it and link to that page from every other page of your website. That way, there is no way your visitors cannot find the download page, and when they do, you'll get some of them converted into your prospects!

Also, you have to put a little effort into promoting your download. Explain and elaborate on the values of the download, and why your visitors should download it. You might think why would anyone want to pass on a freebie, but most of your visitors would be too lazy to take the effort to download it because most of their downloads just sit on the harddisk collecting virtual dust. It is hence important to show your visitors why they should download your freebie.

AUTHOR: http://golearnweb.com/web-designer-pro-tutorials/make-it-easy-to-buy-from-your-site.html

неделя, 13 февруари 2011 г.

How To Create Search Engine Friendly Pages http://golearnweb.com/seo-tutorials/how-to-create-search-engine-friendly-pages.html

How To Create Search Engine Friendly Pages

How To Create Search Engine Friendly Pages

There is no point in building a website unless there are visitors coming in. A major source of traffic for most sites on the Internet is search engines like Google, Yahoo!, MSN, Altavista and so on. Hence, by designing a search engine friendly site, you will be able to rank easily in search engines and obtain more visitors.

Major search engines use programs called crawlers or robots to index websites to list on their search result pages. They follow links to a page, reads the content of the page and record it in their own database, pulling up the listing as people search for it.

If you want to make your site indexed easily, you should avoid using frames on your website. Frames will only confuse search engine robots and they might even abandon your site because of that. Moreover, frames make it difficult for users to bookmark a specific page on your site without using long, complicated scripts.

Do not present important information in Flash movies or in images. Search engine robots can only read text on your source code so if you present important words in Flash movies and images rather than textual form, your search engine ranking will be affected dramatically.

Use meta tags accordingly on each and every page of your site so that search engine robots know at first glance what that particular page is about and whether or not to index it. By using meta tags, you are making the search engine robot's job easier so they will crawl and index your site more frequently.

Stop using wrong HTML tags like to style your page. Use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) instead because they are more effective and efficient. By using CSS, you can eliminate redundant HTML tags and make your pages much lighter and faster to load.

Even though more and more Internet users switch to broadband every year, a large portion of the web's population is still running on good old dialup connections. It is therefore unwise to count them out of the equation when you're designing your website, and a very major consideration we have to make for dialup users is the loading time of your website.

Generally, all the text on your website will be loaded in a very short time even on a dialup connection. The culprit of slow-loading sites is mainly large images on your website, and it is very important to strike a delicate balance between using just enough images to attract your users and not to bog down the overall loading time of your site.

You should also go to a greater length and optimize every image on your site to make sure it loads in the least time possible. What I really mean is to use image editing software to remove unnecessary information on your images, and thereby effectively reducing the file size of your image without affecting its appearance.

If you own Photoshop, it will be obvious to you that when you save an image as a JPEG file, a dialog box appears and lets you choose the "quality" of the JPEG image -- normally a setting of 8 to 10 is good enough as it will preserve the quality of your image while saving it at a small file size. If you do not have Photoshop, there are many free image compressors online that you can download and use to reduce your image's file size.

On the other hand, you can opt to save your images in PNG format to get the best quality at the least file size. You can also save your images in GIF format -- the image editing software clips away all the color information not used in your image, hence giving you the smallest file size possible. However, saving in GIF format will often compromise the appearance of your image, so make your choice wisely!

AUTHOR: http://golearnweb.com/seo-tutorials/how-to-create-search-engine-friendly-pages.html

събота, 12 февруари 2011 г.

Bad SEO http://golearnweb.com/seo-tutorials/bad-seo.html



There’s a ton of search engine optimization, keyword phrase strategies, and page ranking advice out there that promises to get your website booming with traffic from Google, Yahoo!, and Bing (formerly Live, formerly MSN). Unfortunately, much of the free help is dated and discusses a system that’s long been revolutionized since the major search engines took over.

Some of the alleged top Google listing tips, tricks, and services are just flat out wrong, misleading, and can be harmful to your online business. If you really want to increase targeted traffic to your website, you should ignore the following SEO advice…

What to Avoid and Ignore When Optimizing Your Website for Search Engines?

1. Hiding lists of links on your page to be picked up by web crawlers

Google looks for keywords in specific areas on the page. Mainly in the title and within the content itself. Listing a bunch of keywords somewhere outside the content, especially in a way that cannot be seen by visitors, won’t help you and might even get your website penalized. Tags being an exception.

If it doesn’t read like a decently formatted narrative, then the web crawlers probably won’t think it is either. That’s what they’re designed to do - decipher which webpages contain the information to help people typing in queries in their search engine to get to what they’re looking for.

2. Believing that filling your meta tags with keywords will help you

Don’t be naive enough to think that you can tell the search engines what your webpage is about, which is what many meta tags do. Google and the other engines don’t even use them to determine page ranking anymore (Google never did), and so it’s already an obsolete method. Google also uses the text around keywords in the content to determine the page descriptions, so its not necessary to include. However, if you want a more standard description for search engines, you can still use the description meta tag and Google will pick it up to be displayed in listings.

3. Using link exchanges to create backlinks

It’s true that inbound links from other webpages greatly enhance your high search engine listing position probability, but only if they’re from related sources. Google won’t consider a link back from a website about hiking as reliable if your website is about role-playing games. The web crawlers have gotten good at cross-referencing content and they know the difference between an apple and an orange. People will usually only go to related links as well, so most people visiting the site giving you the link will not visit you anyway.

4. Trying to rank for keywords that are not related to the content on your page

Just because you use the keywords, doesn’t mean you’re going to get ranked for them, especially if your page talks about something completely different. Just like the engines cross-reference between websites, they also cross-reference within topics. If you tried to place keywords for “American literature during World War II” to be picked up and the page really discusses “How YouTube became popular,” your page will probably just get buried in the depths of cyberspace. Again, even by chance you do rank for the term, once people see your site does not match their search, they will either not click on it, or immediately leave the website once the land on the first page.

5. Falling for schemes that will submit your website to “thousands” of search engines and directories

There are only a handful of search engines out there and anything else is most likely already controlled by Google, Yahoo!, Bing, or Ask. The first three comprise of almost 100% of the searches on the Internet. The web crawlers for these search engines are also very efficient at what they do, so as long as you’re already linked in to the Internet (have at least one inbound link) and made your pages accessible to visitors, your website will get indexed (listed) anyway. You don’t need to submit to anyone, let alone pay for it.

6. Falling for schemes that guarantee or promise number 1 spots on search engines

There’s much you can control to get ranked - keywords, optimizing your website for crawlers, content, and some inbound links. There’s much you cannot control as well - inbound links of competing websites and pages, the strength and popularity of the competitor’s domain, and the age of pages to name a few. In the end, the only people who know exactly how the web crawlers operate are the web crawling programmers. There’s countless variables used to determine page rankings that we just don’t know about, so no one can guarantee or promise high rankings. At the very least, a good SEO specialist can give your pages a higher probability of being ranked on the first page, but not much more.

7. Focusing on Google's "PageRank" number for your website

This number tries to place a numerical popularity value on your page and in large part represents the number of inbound links. However, do not get the cause and effect confused. The number indicates page popularity, it does not create it or boost it. Also, PageRank does not necessarily account for every possible keyword phrase you might be ranking for with a given page. Simply focusing on this number can be misleading. Think of this as more of a score to see how well you are doing overall with that page relative to other pages on the Internet. Even Google announced people should not focus on it, so they removed it from their Webmaster Tools.

8. Listening to "Experts" who say your page won't list well because of its web language

Whether you code your website using HTML, XHTML, CSS, PHP, ASP, Javascript, or a mix of any of these, search engines will be able to index your pages. Now, there can be some exceptions, if your pages are coded poorly etc, but don't fall for schemes of SEO specialists wanting to redesign your entire website because it's in asp.net. Pure myth.

9. Trusting "SEO experts" because they ranked well for a keyword

Many SEO specialists like to taut their ability to rank well for a specific keyword phrase, claiming that this example proves they can get your pages rank as well. However, you need to do your research. Many of these specialists find keywords no one or very few people type into search engines. On top of that, very few people in the field use the phrase. With no competition and no one interested in trying to rank for the keyword because people do not use phrase, of course someone can step in, target that phrase, and rank well for it. In these cases, it does not matter how many inbound links the competing websites bring in, because those websites do not directly relate or target the keyword.

Also, watch out for SEO specialists who focus on search results. For example, people who claim they ranked #1 in a search engine listing for a phrase with 4 million other results. Search engine results account for not just all the websites using that phrase, but all the websites using any combination or individual words in the phrase. So, if someone searches for "big red hats in London" then websites using "big red hats in London" as well as websites containing "big red hats" or "big" "red" "London" and every other variation you can think of, will also be listed. Most of these websites do not relate to the search and really do not matter in the grand scheme of things.

It does not matter how many websites show up in the search if no one searches for that phrase, no one targets the phrase, and most of the websites only show up in the list because their content contains snippets of the phrase. Ask for real proof and real results. Ask for client data where the SEO specialist got a page listed in a top position for a targeted, relevant, and commonly used keyword. If they cannot provide such evidence, time to look elsewhere.

Where can you check out how many searches a keyword gets in a month? Start by visiting Google's Keyword Tool. Start thinking organic and natural.

If you come across anything that sounds like it’s a cheat, a work-around, like it’s trying to pull one over the web crawlers and trick them into getting your page ranked, then it’s probably a bad idea. It won’t work and the search engines might even punish your page for the attempt to fool them.

You need to start thinking organically, thinking how your page would succeed naturally.
Make sure you always…

* Write content on pages that bring real value and useful information to your visitors.
* Use keywords that relate directly to your subject matter. You can watch the importance of using relevant long tail keywords right from the source at Google.
* Get links from websites in your own market or field and hope that others will also find your information worthy for them to share with others.
* When in doubt, review Google's website guidelines. To get an idea of what Google focuses on, you can also read about their technology overview page for searches.
* Stay away from SEO specialists and consultants that tell you to use any of the methods to avoid mentioned here. Trust your gut on their advice and don’t be afraid to get a second opinion.

The search engines want to find your useful information and pages to share with the world. Start writing about what you know best and format it the best and most accessible way you can and you’ll already be ahead of most of the game

SEO Tools – Scripts That Help And Ones That Flunk

It’s hard enough to find good resources and programs out there to help your web pages get ranked on Google, Yahoo!, and Bing without needing to worry about the numerous services that don’t work or give you inaccurate information. Check out these free SEO tools, scripts that while target useful information, do not live up to their promises, and others that do!

1. Domain Age Checker

The guys over at WebConfs.com host a plethora of pages to plug in info and get the data you need. Unfortunately, while domain age matters, with older websites seen as more trustworthy by search engines and more difficult to knock out of the top ten search results for a keyword, their Domain Age Tool flat out lies. So bad, in fact, that it can be as much as 6-7 years off! Given the Internet only really started booming in the 90?s, that’s a huge margin.

Lucky for us, SEOLogs.com hosts a similar program that actually reports good estimates. Of course, if you want the best information, you can always look up the domain at www.whois.com.

2. Traffic Rankings

For years people heralded (and man still do) Alexa as the gold standard when it came to traffic rankings. When considering the ability to rank a page for a keyword, domain strength and popularity matter, the volume of inbound traffic matters. As a webmaster for multiple clients, I can easily cross-reference actual traffic and Alexa’s rankings. I can tell you with certainty that Alexa at times gave clients who received triple the traffic a lower score and position in comparison to clients who received substantially less traffic. It’s a faulty system that sometimes works and many a time does not. People need to stop promoting it and using it. The same goes for Compete.com.

Quantcast does much better, but that’s because it requires a script much like Google Analytics, and then can only serve people when comparing sites within it’s own circle. So unless Google releases it’s own Alexa, it’s a crapshoot trying to sort out rankings amongst these three resources. Google’s PageRank might be the only alternative, but with a range of 0-10, it’s hardly precise enough.

3. Keyword Generator

First off, do not buy a program to generate keywords for you. You know your market best, you know the lingo being used, you should build your own list and then branch out from there. Second, do not bother with Wordtracker’s Free Keyword Suggestion Tool. The tool only gives you data based on people who type words into the tool, not into search engines! You can guess that only people concerned about keywords then, not your actual market, would be feeding it information. Wordtracker does not even supply an ample list. For example, I typed in “SEO Tips” and it gave me three phrases “seo tips,” “free msn seo tips,” and “seo copywriting tips.” I don’t know which search engines they’re useful for, what my competition might be like, nothing.

Your best free option, straight from the source, would be Google’s AdWords: Keyword Tool. Originally designed for Adword campaigns, it uses search information directly from Google, directly from 67% people searching online, for it’s estimates. It tells you the monthly search volume, the current search volume, and how many competitors target the word (assuming businesses know their stuff, high competition means difficult to rank for due to high website usage of the term). It also lists many variations of the phrase, related phrases, and even slightly related phrases. It truly lets you know whether or not you’re wasting your time trying to rank for keyword phrases people rarely search for. It also lets you specify results by language and region and you can even get recommended terms pulled directly off websites. It’s awesome and the best keyword tool you’ll find!
Lastly, Don’t be a Tool Yourself!

There’s plenty of dishonesty and bad SEO practices going around. Don’t let some SEO specialist or consultant pull your chain and waste your money. If your gut starts giving you the signs and you don’t see any good results, it might be time for a second or even a third opinion! And remember, I’m always around for a bit of hand holding too. Feel free to send a question my way!

4. Duplicate Articles – Search Engine Listing Suicide

So you’ve decided to give blogging and article marketing a shot to increase traffic, create inbound links, and improve your listing position on the major search engines. You’ve already written a handful of articles in your niche market to distribute to high traffic publication sites. But then after you submitted them, you noticed many did not rank in Google and other search engines, even though you optimized them for keywords, and found the articles listed in the engine.

Now ask yourself….

How many websites did you submit each individual article to?

You’ve probably fallen victim to the duplicate articles dilemma.

Rewind to a few years ago when “Internet marketing gurus” were pushing their viral marketing strategies and encouraging people to submit the same article to every known article directory they could get their hands on. Well, guess what? They were encouraging countless people to essentially spam the search engines with their writings and trick a system big on copyrights and original content. Everybody knows how huge a taboo spam is. Eventually, Google and the other guys caught on and implemented algorithms in their web crawlers to weed out and bury the duplicates.

And who can blame them? How reliable would users consider an engine that listed the same exact information in the top ten spots for a search, just on different websites? That’s like a library only offering different editions of the same book when someone was looking for research on a particular topic. What if someone turned in a paper with a works cited for 10 sources all essentially the same piece of information? Intelligent people would find a new library and the guy who wrote a paper would probably fail the assignment.

Google wants to bring value to their users and offer a service second-to-none, that’s how they climbed to the top in the first place. So, if you’re trapped in the habit of creating duplicate content, you should ask yourself the same question - are you creating any real value for people?

5. The Reality of Article Submission

Most of the article databases receive very little relative traffic to begin with and return a low residual effect. Their traffic rankings cannot compete with more prominent sites like universities and news sources, or high traffic directories and blogs. If you’ve spent several hours on a top notch article, why publish it on www.most-awesome-articles.com (not really a website) where it won’t get ranked, it won’t be found by the website users, and when other sites like WordPress, HubPages, Squidoo, and EzineArticles are around? If you wanted to include a guest piece in your magazine or paper, which source would you rely on… one from a prominent editor at CNN or a random letter received from spikeymikey@nowheremail.com?

Google thinks in a similar fashion on their end. Why list an article from www.most-awesome-articles.com when they already have a version from HubPages?

You might be thinking to yourself - what about Reuters? What about authorized syndication? It’s true that Google and the other engines allow some room for syndication from common news sources, but most of us do not operate in those circles or have access to that content to freely use, so why take the chance? Probability dictates that Google will pick up one of your articles, but the rest will get lost in the engine and with them all the time spent submitting to dozens of useless directories.

Truth betold, no one can guess why Google keeps one version of web copy over another. It could be related to the age of the page (how long it’s been live online), the reliability of the source, the code to text ratio compared to the other versions… and sometimes, the engine will list more than one copy. It’s all guess work, but you can bet that more often than not, only one version will be viable.

6. The Solutions That Almost Saved You

But then there came in the works a hybrid solution to try and trick the engines again! Re-write the article so the web crawlers think it’s something new, so one can submit almost the same article to at least the top publication sites without needing to create something fresh. And so began the age of www.dupecop.com and similar services like Article Checker to check the percentage difference between docs.

Here too though, writers beware, Google’s web crawlers are more sophisticated than people give them credit for, and even an article that appears to be 50% different can be picked up as a dupe. To safeguard this technique, a service like QuoteFinder http://blogoscoped.com/quotefinder/ is recommended. Just change the sentences that show more than one online source in your new article.
The Best Solution for Duplicate Content… Doh!

I however, have an even better solution! Stop creating duplicate articles completely and start writing original and unique content that really offers value to your readers and hopefully potential clients. Nobody likes a fraud, a hack, or a two-timer – and that’s what you’ll look like if the smarter-than-you-think readers find out you’re duplicating content out there, or worse, simply rehashing someone else’s. Don’t destroy your potential credibility, visibility, and profitability because of laziness. Make each article you write count and make sure it’s one-of-a-kind.
The following benefits of blogging and article marketing can be yours…

* Higher page position in search engines (with inbound links)
* Increased webpage traffic
* Increased credibility
* Increased visibility
* Increased clients and customers
* Increased profits

But if you duplicate content all you’ll do is lose the above benefits plus…

* Waste time
* Waste money
* Become discouraged

What to do with your now unwasted time?

Search engines also like pages to stay fresh! Update your articles from time-to-time. Add in new information, take out parts now obsolete, add in some graphics, optimize the keywords, and keep editing until you get ranked on the first page for your targeted keywords. A well maintained and fully tweaked article can bring in more traffic and more business than 15 hurried and forgotten pieces any day!

Online publication and writing can be one of the strongest methods to market yourself and your business online as well as improve your search engine listing position. So do continue with your blogging and article marketing, and do submit your awesome work so people can find it at EzineArticles, your blog, or other sites, but steer clear from tendencies to submit duplicates – in the end, you’re just committing internet marketing suicide. And like spam, we know how deadly that can be.

AUTHOR: http://golearnweb.com/seo-tutorials/bad-seo.html

петък, 11 февруари 2011 г.

5 Ways to Keep Visitors Coming Back To Your Site http://golearnweb.com/web-designer-pro-tutorials/5-ways-to-keep-visitors-coming-back-to-your-site.html

5 Ways to Keep Visitors Coming Back To Your Site

5 Ways to Keep Visitors Coming Back To Your Site

A lot of successful websites depend on returning visitors to account for a major part of their traffic. Returning visitors are easier to convert into paying customers because the more often they return to a site, the more trust they have in that site.

The credibility issue just melts away. Hence, keep your visitors coming back to your site with the following methods:

1) Start a forum, chatroom or shoutbox

When you start a forum, chatroom or shoutbox, you are providing your visitors a place to voice their opinions and interact with their peers -- all of them are visitors of your site. As conversations build up, a sense of community will also follow and your visitors will come back to your site almost religiously every day.

2) Start a web log (blog)

Keep an online journal, or more commonly known as a blog, on your site and keep it updated with latest news about yourself. Human beings are curious creatures and they will keep their eyes glued to the monitor if you post fresh news frequently. You will also build up your credibility as you are proving to them that there is also a real life person behind the website.

3) Carry out polls or surveys

Polls and surveys are other forms of interaction that you should definitely consider adding to your site. They provide a quick way for visitors to voice their opinions and to get involved in your website. Be sure to publish polls or surveys that are strongly relevant to the target market of your website to keep them interested to find out about the results.

4) Hold puzzles, quizzes and games

Just imagine how many office workers procrastinate at work every day, and you will be able to gauge how many people will keep visiting your site if you provide a very interesting or addicting way of entertainment. You can also hold competitions to award the high score winner to keep people trying continuously to earn the prize.

5) Update frequently with fresh content

Update your site frequently with fresh content so that every time your visitors come back, they will have something to read on your site. This is the most widely known and most effective method of attracting returning visitors, but this is also the least carried out one because of the laziness of webmasters. No one will want to browse a site that looks the same over ten years, so keep your site updated with fresh bites!

AUTHOR: http://golearnweb.com/web-designer-pro-tutorials/5-ways-to-keep-visitors-coming-back-to-your-site.html

сряда, 9 февруари 2011 г.

http://golearnweb.com/web-designer-pro-tutorials/the-importance-of-a-sitemap.html The Importance of a Sitemap

The Importance of a Sitemap

The Importance of a Sitemap

A sitemap is often considered redundant in the process of building a website, and that is indeed the fact if you made a sitemap for the sake of having one. By highlighting the importance of having a well constructed sitemap, you will be able to tailor your own sitemap to suit your own needs.

1) Navigation purposes

A sitemap literally acts as a map of your site. If your visitors browses your site and gets lost between the thousands of pages on your site, they can always refer to your sitemap to see where they are, and navigate through your pages with the utmost ease.

2) Conveying your site's theme

When your visitors load up your sitemap, they will get the gist of your site within a very short amount of time. There is no need to get the "big picture" of your site by reading through each page, and by doing that you will be saving your visitors' time.

3) Site optimization and SEO purposes

When you create a sitemap, you are actually creating a single page which contains links to every single page on your site. Imagine what happens when search engine robots hit this page -- they will follow the links on the sitemap and naturally every single page of your site gets indexed by search engines! It is also for this purpose that a link to the sitemap has to be placed prominently on the front page of your website.

4) Organization and relevance

A sitemap enables you to have a complete bird's eye view of your site structure, and whenever you need to add new content or new sections, you will be able to take the existing hierarchy into consideration just by glancing at the sitemap. As a result, you will have a perfectly organized site with everything sorted according to their relevance.

From the above reasons, it is most important to implement a sitemap for website projects with a considerable size. Through this way, you will be able to keep your website easily accesible and neatly organized for everyone.

AUTHOR: http://golearnweb.com/web-designer-pro-tutorials/the-importance-of-a-sitemap.html

How To Write An Article In 10 Minutes http://golearnweb.com/web-designer-pro-tutorials/how-to-write-an-article-in-10-minutes.html

How To Write An Article In 10 Minutes

How To Write An Article In 10 Minutes

By the time you are at the end of this article, you will be able to do something that 99.99% of all internet marketers in the WORLD can’t do -- You’ll be able to write a high quality, fully researched article in just 10 minutes. What you're about to learn is a “cash-on-demand” ability that you will be able to tap into whenever you need it. Of course, these articles are yours to do whatever you want with. You can keep them and use them yourself, or you can sell them for some quick cash when you really need it.

I know that there are two questions at the tip of your tongue right now, so before I do anything else, I’m going to answer both of these questions.

The answer to your First question: “Yes, you can research, write, and proofread a high quality article in 10 minutes.”

The answer to your second question: “No, it doesn’t have anything to do with talent or ability.”

Have you ever solved a Rubik's Cube? I have, and I’m NOT a genius. I’ve just memorized several different series of movements. The movement that I choose is based on nothing more than the color of the cubes, and where they happen to be located at the time of me picking up the Rubrics Cube. That’s all there is to it. It’s nothing more than a series of movements that an old college buddy of mine taught me. Here’s my point. I can solve a Rubrics Cubes because I know a formula, not because I’m a genius. I can write 10 minute articles because I know a formula, not because I’m a particularly amazing writer. Now, I don’t ALWAYS write articles in 10 minutes, but I almost NEVER spend more than 15 minutes at an article. If fact, I’ll usually have my article finished up in less than 10 minutes. Though I don’t often allude to it, I used to spend the majority of my time as a ghostwriter for web-masters and other internet marketers. In fact, the first significant amount of money that I made online came from ghostwriting. Though I now concentrate the majority my efforts on other areas of internet marketing, I’ve paid for
many months worth of expenses simply by writing articles for clients.

Over the last two years, I’ve written hundreds, if not thousands of articles for clients

Again, I now focus most of my efforts on other areas of internet marketing, but I still provide content for a number of membership site owners where I write articles for autoresponder follow-up sequences. In fact, if you’re on as many internet marketing lists as I’m on, I wouldn’t be surprised if you had a handful of messages in your inbox that were written by me. Of course, my name won’t be anywhere on it, because part of the ghostwriting deal is that I relinquish all rights to the article as soon as I’m paid. When you’re paying rent, bills, and all monthly living expenses by ghostwriting articles, you quickly realize that the quicker you are able to streamline the article writing process, the more money you will make. Before I began using this formula, it took me anywhere from 30 to 40 minutes to write a single article. Realizing that this wasn’t going to work in the long run, I started experimenting with speed-creating outlines for my articles before I started writing them. As you’ll soon see, this formula grew from there. The first time I tried this method, I cut my article writing time in HALF. I tweaked the formula a bit and kept at it. Two weeks later, I was able to consistently churn out these articles in under 10 minutes. Welcome to my formula.

Articles – The Lifeblood of The Internet

As I said earlier, articles are the lifeblood of the internet. Take a moment to think of the internet without articles. Imagine what the internet would be like without news articles, medical articles, or general information articles. In an internet like this, article directories wouldn’t exist, and blogs would be nothing more than empty, pointless voids. As a whole, the internet would be a vastly different place. With the ability to create the life blood of the internet at your fingertips, you’ll be able to effortlessly “pump” life into any online venture. You’ll be able to get traffic whenever you want, and you’ll be able to do whatever you want with it. You’ll be able to capture subscribers and build up a profitable autoresponder list. You’ll be able to directly promote affliate offers, CPA offers, or AdSense ads. You’ll be able to quickly whip up these articles to use as content for blogs, forum posts, or even as content for videos. Best yet, if you found yourself in need of a few hundred bucks down the road, you’ll have this ability that you can tap into. Spend a few hours with this and you'll have a dozen or more articles that you can convert into cold, hard cash. You can submit these articles to article directories with links to affiliate products, or, you can sell the articles to other internet marketers. Spend a few solid days with this and you’ll effectively write your way out of your "nancial hardship.

The Timeframe

As I said earlier, this formula ISN’T something I’ve pulled out of thin air. When writing articles for clients, you quickly realize that efficiency is the determining factor of how much money you are able to make. If a client is paying me $6 per 400-word article, and I can only write 2 articles per hour, I’m only making $12 per hour. Sure that’s better than most burger-$ippers. However, as soon as I become twice as effcient, my hourly wages will jump to $24 per hour. At 6 articles per hour, that’s $36 per hour. That won’t make me rich, but it’s more than most people make in their mid-20's! This formula consists of three stages. Research, writing, and proofreading. These three stages are broken down into the following timeframe.

2 Minutes for research

6 Minutes for writing

2 Minutes for proofreading

”TWO MINUTE RESEARCH??” Are you crying fowl?

I definitely would be if I were in your shoes, but give me a few minutes, because I'm about to show you how this is possible! These articles aren’t going to be featured in the New York Times. 10 minute articles are meant to be general guides that give good, solid information on a topic. You aren’t giving a thorough education here, you’re giving away a few killer points. In fact, giving away a through education ISN’T a good idea, because if you answer every question your reader has, there would be no point in him clicking your resource box and entering your sales funnel. If I spent an hour writing an article, I supposed the quality might be a LITTLE higher, but it wouldn’t be enough to make any real difference in the marketplace. Not to mention, in that amount of time, I could pump out six 10-minute articles. Since six 10-minute articles will make me far more money, I’ll go with six 10-minute articles over one uber-high-quality 1-hour article every single time.


Here’s what I used to do when I tried to write an article. I’d sit down with a keyword phrase like “Six Pack Abs.” I’d type out “Six Pack Abs” at the top of the page, then I'd try to put together an opening paragraph. After doing this, I’d sit back and think, “alright, what should I say next?” I was ALREADY on the wrong track! After exhausting my mind on the first paragraph, I was completely stumped.

I was making the same two critical mistakes that you probably make when you write articles.

1. I was thinking.
2. I was writing an article about my keyword phrase.

Now, this sounds odd, as these seem to be “requirements” instead of “mistakes.” However, take a moment to consider the following two alternatives:

1. Get all the thinking DONE in the research phase, so you won't have to stop and think when you're writing.
2. Never write an article based on the keyword phrase you’re writing about. Instead, ALWAYS write the article based on three points ABOUT the keyword phrase you're writing about.

Whenever I attempt to write an article based on a single keyword phrase, I ALWAYS find myself needing to stop and think. That's to be expected. Converting one keyword phrase into 400 words is a tall order. For that reason, I now NEVER attempt to write an entire article based on a keyword phrase. Instead I found three main points ABOUT my keyword phrase, then I write the article about these three main points INSTEAD of my main keyword phrase. As you'll see, writing an article based on three points about the target keyword phrase is MUCH easier (and faster) than writing an article based on a single keyword phrase.

Let's get started!

First, we’re going to look for three main points about our keyword phrase. We’re also going to try to jot down 2 or 3 sub-points about each main point.

For research, I only go to two places.

1. EzineArticles
2. Google

Let’s say that a client is working on a fashion website, and he wants a batch of articles on the keyword phrase “party gowns.” Now, I’m a male in my mid-20’s with a semi-anti-materialistic life philosophy, so I have no knowledge whatsoever about $2,000 party gowns. However, my lack of knowledge in this area won’t be a problem so long as I’m armed with my 2-minute research method.

First, I open up EzineArticles and Google in separate tabs in my browser, then I search for the keyword phrase I’m writing about -- “party gowns.”

I’ll start with EzineArticles, and I’ll VERY QUICKLY scan the results looking for two or three “how to” article titles that sound like a list of tips and tricks. To be honest, you probably won’t be able to spot these articles as quickly as I can, but give yourself a few days with it and you’ll get very quick at this. I'll open up Notepad or TextEdit and jot down three main points. For each of my points, I’ll jot down two or three sub-points. These “sub-points” aren’t really sub-points, they’re more like single words and short sentence fragments to remind me what to write about. While assembling my outline, I’m getting ALL of my thinking done beforehand so that I won't need to stop and think during the writing process. Remember, By the time you're done with your research, your thinking is over. You’ve done all your thinking, and you've transposed all your thinking into a 3-point outline. Now that you have your outline to remind you what to write about, there’s no reason for you to stop and think. Stopping
to think will squander precious time.


In our research phase, we opened up 2 or 3 articles, we pulled out 3 main points and we’ve got a few words/phrases under each main point to remind us of what to write about. Remember, you've transposed all your thinking onto a 3-point outline. Now, we’re ready to write the actual article. We’re going to have a paragraph for our intro, we’re going to have a paragraph for each of our main points, and we’re going to have a paragraph for our conclusion.


If you’ve got a great inspiration for your introduction, go with it. If not, stick with a basic If/Then approach. “If you’re looking for information on [keyword phrase], then pull up a chair and buckle down, because this is the article that you’ve been looking for.” Almost all of my articles start with this, or a similar variation of this. “If you’re looking to get a rock-hard set of six pack abs, then pull up a chair and buckle down for the next few minutes because this is the article that you’ve been looking for.” All I did was plug in a few words. Next, stage of the formula. In the next few sentences, I’m going to give a “Table of Contents,” of what’s to come, then I’m going to finish up the introduction by telling my readers what they’ll be able to do after reading the article. “In this article, we’re going to look at three tips to help you accomplish [keyword phrase] quickly,
and easily. First, we’re going to talking about [main point 1]. Next, we’re going to be talking about [main point 2]. Finally, we’re going to "nish up with [main point 3]. After reading this article, you’ll be able to [accomplish whatever the reader came to learn]. The more you write, the more the inspirations, variations and creativity will play a part. However, for the most part, I incorporate this “Table of Contents” paragraph (or some variation of it) into all of my articles. “In this article, we’re going to look at three crucial elements that you ABSOLUTELY MUST KNOW if you want to get six pack abs. First, we’re going to be talking about proper nutrition. Next, we’re going to be talking about proper exercise. Finally, we’re going to "nish up by talking about a proper eating schedule. After reading this article, you’ll be able to kick start your six pack abs quest into hyperdrive and achieve your goal faster than you ever thought possible.” Our introduction is done! This consisted of a plug ‘n play “if/then” #rst paragraph, a series of plug ‘n play “table of contents” sentences, and a “here’s what you’ll be able to do afterwards” sentence.




That’s it. No thinking was required. We did all that in the research phase!


With the introduction out of the way, it’s time to move on to your main points. Each of your main points follows the exact same plug ‘n play formula. First, introduce your main point, then make a general statement about it. Next, expand on your main point by utilizing your sub-points. Start with your #rst sub-point, and communicate how it relates to your main point. Move on to your next sub-point and communicate how it relates to your main point. Continue doing this for each of your sub-points. After exhausting your sub-points, close out the paragraph with a summary of the sub-points, and/or include a transition to your next main point.

Repeat this for each of your main points.

“First, let’s talk about [Main Point 1].

[General statement about Main Point 1].

[First sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 1]. [Second Sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 1]. [Third Sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 1]. [Summarize Sub-point s and/or transition to Main Point 2].”

Using our #rst Main Point and sub-points from our research phase...

Main Point 1 - Proper Nutrition
Sub-point 1 - gasoline example.
Sub-point 3 - body-fat < 10% for 6pak to show
Sub-point 2 - bad diet = sabotage your e?orts/time

...we’ll get something like this:

“First, let’s talk about the importance of proper nutrition.

If you had a beat up, rusted-out 20-year-old honda Civic, you probably wouldn't think twice about filling the gas tank with the lowest grade of gasoline?. However, if you had a brand new Aston Martin, would you fill of the tank with the lowest grade of gasoline? Of course you wouldn’t! You would go out of your way to fuel that beautiful new car with the highest quality of gasoline possible to keep it running in pristine condition! With that in mind, remember that your body is a complicated and amazing machine, and it deserves the best fuel you can give it. For most people, six pack abs will start to become visible when your body-fat falls below 10%. Proper nutrition is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY if this is going to happen to you. Getting six pack abs is going to require some extra time and dedication on your part, so don’t sabotage all your invested time and effort by filling up with junk food!”





Remember again, your thinking has been done in the research phase. You SHOULDN’T have to stop and think here. Stopping to think = wasting valuable time. Our first Main Point is complete. Now it’s simply a matter of applying this to our next two main points.


The conclusion is the easiest part of the article. Since everything is fresh in your head, it’s simply a matter of wrapping it all up by running it through your “Table of Contents” introduction paragraph again, and telling your readers what they’ll be able to do with their new knowledge. “Now you have the three required elements required to [solve keyword phrase/problem]. First, [Main Point 1]. Second, [Main Point 2]. Finally, [Main Point 3]. Now you’ll be able to [accomplish whatever you came to learn]!”

This is very similar to our introduction. It’s simply a matter of a subtle re-write. “So there you have the three critical elements required for six pack abs. First, you’ve got to keep a close eye on the food that you eat. Second, you’ve got to have a healthy amount of proper cardiovascular exercise. Finally, you need to live by a proper eating schedule. If you ignore these three required elements, you are dooming yourself to failure, so put these elements into practice and watch your ripped set of six pack abs emerge!”



That’s it. No thinking was required. We did all that in the research phase!

I know I keep stressing the importance of NOT THINKING, but for me, my mind had a very hard time getting used to the concept of writing without stopping to think, so I continued to stop even though I didn't need to. It wasn't until I could get used to the idea of writing without stopping to think that I was really able to kick my article writing into hyperdrive. When you feel the urge to stop and think, simply glance back over your outline to assure your mind that you've already got the next topic/sub-point/main point ready and waiting for you.


Yep, this is the proofreading that we all know and love (or hate). Just give your article a very quick read-through to make sure that things are working out the way you intended. The problem with proof-reading your own work is that you can be “blind” to your own errors. To fix this, I’ll always read through my article while reading out loud as fast as I can think. Reading an article out loud as fast as you can possibly think will make you sound like you’re attempting to speak in tongues, but it’s a surprisingly effectively way to catch your own typos.

I already presented this in the previous chapter, but here it is in its non-broken-up form.

If/Then Opener: “If you’re looking for information on [keyword phrase], then pull up a chair and buckle down, because this is the article that you’ve been looking for.”

Table of Contents Paragraph: “In this article, we’re going to look at three tips to help you accomplish [keyword phrase] quickly, and easily. First, we’re going to be talking about [main point 1]. Next, we’re going to be talking about [main point 2]. Finally, we’re going to "nish up with [main point 3]. After reading this article, you’ll be able to [accomplish whatever the reader came to learn].

Main Point 1: “First, let’s talk about [Main Point 1].

[General statement about Main Point 1].

[First Sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 1]. [Second Sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 1]. [Third Sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 1]. [Summarize Sub-points and/or transition to Main Point 2].”

Main Point 2:“Next, let’s talk about [Main Point 2].

[General statement about Main Point 2].

[First Sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 2]. [Second Sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 2]. [Third Sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 2]. [Summarize Sub-points and/or transition to Main Point 2].”

Main Point 3: “Finally, let’s talk about [Main Point 3].

[General statement about Main Point 3].

[First sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 3]. [Second Sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 3]. [Third Sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 3]. [Summarize Sub-points and/or transition to Main Point 3].”

Re-Written Table Of Contents/Conclusion: “So there you have the three required elements required to [solve keyword phrase/problem]. First, [Main Point 1]. Second, [Main Point 2]. Finally, [Main Point 3]. Now you’ll be able to [accomplish whatever you came to learn]!”

Secrets Of Picking Out The Perfect Party Gown For Any Occasion

If you’re looking to pick out the perfect party gown, then pull up a chair and buckle down because you're going to want to read this article. In the next few minutes, we’re going to look at three crucial elements that you MUST consider before you purchase a party gown. First, we’re going to make sure that your party gown is currently in style. Next, we’re going to make sure your party gown compliments your body silhouette. Finally, we're going to "nish up by talking about how to know what type of party gown is appropriate for the occasion.

First, let’s start with knowing what's currently in style.

Dressing in style is extremely important. However, this is easier said than done since fashion is constantly evolving. One of the best ways to make sure that your party gown is currently in fashion is to take a look at Hollywood. Fire up your computer and take a look at what celebrities have been wearing at recent celebrity events. Pay attention to any repeating styles, accessories and color prints, because that's what's currently in style!

Next, let’s talk about your body silhouette.

Every person has a unique body structure, and it's vitally important that the party gown you select compliments your silhouette. When picking your party gown, make sure that it compliments the areas of your body that you are proud of while drawing attention away from the areas of your body that you might not be so eager to show off.

Finally, let’s talk about knowing what's appropriate, and what isn't.

The best way to "nd out what type of party gown is appropriate is to "nd out the nature of the event beforehand. If the event involves a good deal of movement (e.g. dancing), you'll be safe showing a little skin and dressing a little on the fishy" side. If the event consists of a large, multi-course meal and a series of long speeches, you'll probably want to dress with a more modest approach. These are the three critical elements you MUST consider before you purchase a party gown. Check out Hollywood to know what's currently in style, make sure your party gown compliments your body silhouette, and make sure to "nd out the nature of the event beforehand to know what's appropriate. Keep these three tips in mind, and you'll be able to pick out the perfect party gown for any event!

This article is 403 words long, and I wrote it in just over 5 minutes based on the one-minute outline we created in the research chapter:

First Main Point - Current Fashion
Sub-point 1 - Quickly changing
Sub-point 2 - Hollywood
Sub-point 3 - Celebrity events

Second Main Point - Body Silhouette
Sub-point 1 - Correct “problem areas,” highlight “proud areas.”
Sub-point 2 - Length illusion "once over"
Sub-point 3 - Everyone has unique silhouette

Third Main Point - Knowing What's Appropriate?
Sub-point 1 - Understand event nature
Sub-point 2 - Movement = $ashy dress
Sub-point 3 - No-movement = modest dress

I wrote the article in this form so that you could easily see how it re$ects my outline. If I were submitting this to an article directory, I’d break it up into more paragraphs to make it more inviting to read.

How To Convert 1 Article Into 10

Writing in itself is a cakewalk. All you need to do is move your #ngers across your keyboard. However, researching, and figuring out what to say isn’t quite as simple. More often than not, you won’t sit down to write one article on a keyword phrase. Usually you’ll be writing a batch of articles on the same, or a very similar keyword phrase. For this reason, there’s a little trick that I like to use to turn 1 article into 10 WITHOUT having to
do any additional researching or thinking. Now, I won’t take ALL the credit for this. This is a little trick I picked up from internet marketers Andrew Hansen and Jason Fladlien. (I always give credit where credit is due). HOWEVER, I tweaked this trick a bit and added to it to suit my style and
streamline the process. Here’s the concept. When I have to write multiple articles on the same keyword phrase, I use the SAME outline, but I write the article with a different approach.

1. The Guide - This is the most common type of article. If you’re not consciously trying to write another style of article, this is the style that you probably write.

2. FAQ - Main points listed in a question/answer format.

3. The Story - This is extremely simple. With this format, you simply create an imaginary character and run him through your main points.

4. Step-By-Step - Very simple to write. Very similar to the “guide,” except with your main points as numbered instructions. “First, you must do this. Next, do this...”

5. True/False Quiz - Ask your readers whether your main points are true or false. Give them the answer, then explain it.

6. Mistakes - Instead of telling your readers what to do, tell them what NOT to do.

7. Multiple Choice Quiz - Present your main points as questions with multiple choice answers. Give them the answer, then explain it.

8. Guru Footsteps - What a guru would do if he were in YOUR shoes.

9. Checklist - Very similar to the step-by-step. In this format, the main points are presented in a checklist format.

10. Myths - Similar to the mistakes article. Convert your main points to falsehoods and present them as myths. Bust them myths, then explain why they aren't true.

Armed with these 10 approaches, turning one article into ten will be a cakewalk! First, open up my companion “Turn 1 Article Into 10 Examples” .pdf so you can follow along.


We’re already familiar with this style of article. Like I said, the guide is the most common type of article that you’d #nd on a blog or an article directory.

We created this article from the outline that we already looked at:

First Main Point - Current Fashion
Sub-point 1 - Quickly changing
Sub-point 2 - Hollywood
Sub-point 3 - Celebrity events

Second Main Point - Body Silhouette
Sub-point 1 - Correct “problem areas,” highlight “proud areas.”
Sub-point 2 - Length illusion "once over"
Sub-point 3 - Everyone has unique silhouette

Third Main Point - Knowing What's Appropriate?
Sub-point 1 - Understand event nature
Sub-point 2 - Movement = $ashy dress
Sub-point 3 - No-movement = modest dress

To be honest, my notes weren’t quite this organized. They were essentially not much more than a collection of words to remind me what to say, but I expanded on them here so that you’ll be able to separate heads from tails!

2. FAQ

Keep your outline open and convert each of your main points into questions.

“How can I be sure that my party gown is currently in style?”

“What do I need to do to make sure my party gown compliments my body silhouette?

“How do I know if my party gown is appropriate?”

Nothing has really changed here. When you compare this article to my “guide” article, you’ll see that all I did was re-phrase my main points into questions. Taking a di?erent approach to the same outline like this is SOO much easier (and faster) than trying to re-write my “guide” article. It's
also a lot more fun!


The story approach is quite simple. I simply come up with an imaginary character, then I run the character through my outline.

First, I’ll re-write my three main points as actions that my main character took.

First, Emily made sure her party gown was currently in style.

Second, Emily made sure her party gown complimented her body silhouette.

Finally, Emily made sure her party gown was appropriate for the occasion.

After writing out my main points, I simply write out what my character did to follow my main points and my sub-points to achieve the ultimate goal.


The step by step approach is one of the easiest write. With this approach, it’s simply a matter of re-writing your main points as a numbered action plan. “Step 1, do this.” “Step 2, do this.”

Step 1: Make sure your party gown is currently in style.

Step 2: Make sure your party gown compliments your body silhouette

Step 3: Make sure your party gown is appropriate for the occasion you’ll be attending.

After each step, simply write out a brief explanation of each step while communicating your sub-points.


These are extremely fast to set up, and even quicker to write. Simply write out each of your main points in a True/False quiz format. True or False? The best way to know what's currently in style is to look at what all your friends are wearing. True or False? It's important to dress according to your body silhouette. True or False? It isn't important to find out the nature of the event beforehand. After each question, tell your reader if the statement is true or false, then expand on your sub-points to explain your answer.


Instead of telling your reader what to do, tell your reader what NOT to do. For this approach, I start by writing out my main points as mistakes that most people make. She didn't check out Hollywood to make sure she was dressing according to current fashion. She didn't pick a party gown that complimented her body silhouette. She didn't "nd out the nature of the event beforehand to make sure she was wearing an appropriate party gown. Below each mistake, communicate your sub-points to show what could have been done to avoid the mistakes.

Present your main points as questions with multiple choice answers. Give them the answer, then explain it.

First Question. What's the best way to "nd out what's currently in style?

a. Look at what your friends are wearing
b. Check out your local retail stores
c. Look at what celebrities are wearing at current celebrity events.

Second Question: What's the most important thing to keep in mind while picking an party gown?

a. Your legs
b. Your body silhouette
c. The accessories you plan on wearing

Third Question: What's the best way to "nd out what's appropriate to wear at an event?

a. Find out the nature of the event
b. Call the host and ask
c. Take a guess

This takes a little bit of thought, but the more you write, the easier it will become. After each question, give the correct answer then explain it by expanding on the sub-points in your outline.


With this approach, you simply communicate what a guru (or someone who is experienced in the article topic) would do if he were in the shoes of your reader.

First, she makes sure her party gown is currently in style.

Second she makes sure her party gown compliments her body silhouette.

Third, she makes sure her party gown is appropriate for the occasion.

These are very easy to write. After you have your re-written main points, it becomes very similar to the “story” approach. I simply write out what the “guru” did to follow my main points and my sub-points to achieve whatever my reader wants to achieve.


This approach is very similar to the step-by-step approach. However, instead of presenting your main points as a numbered action plan, present your main points as a checklist. “Did you do this?” “Then did you do this?”

Did you check out Hollywood to make sure your party gown is currently in style?

Did you make sure your party gown compliments your body silhouette?

Did you make sure you checked out the nature of the event beforehand?

Below each checklist point, expand on your sub-points to explain why your reader should have taken that action.


This is similar to the mistakes approach. With this approach, simply convert your main points to falsehoods and present them as myths. Bust the myths, then explain why they aren't true.

Myth #1: "When in doubt, wear what your friends are wearing."

Myth #2: “Accessories are the primary element to keep in mind while picking out a party gown.”

Myth #3: “The event doesn't have anything to do with what's appropriate to wear.”

As usual, simply communicate your main points to explain why your statements aren’t true, and what your reader should do instead. You can get creative and have lots of fun with this one!

You’ll notice that I usually start out my articles by laying out my main points. You don’t necessarily need to do this, but I #nd that it’s easier for me to keep track of my word count by writing my articles in the following order:

First, lay out my main points.

Second, write my introduction.

Third, write my conclusion.

Fourth, #ll in the paragraphs below my main points.

By writing my articles in this order, I #nd that it’s much easier for me to keep my articles visually symmetrical while still remaining near my intended word count.

Voice Capturing

If your typing skills are a little rusty, you’re going to run into problems in the “speed” area. If you struggle to type above 30 words per minute, and you have 7 minutes set aside for writing, 210 words is the best that you can expect to do. If you are genuinely planning to make a substantial amount of money online, you are going to need to improve your typing skills. The amount of money you make online is directly proportionate to how efficiently you are able to work, so I strongly urge you to set aside some time to increase your typing speed. However, if your typing skills are lackluster, you’re not out of luck. Give voice recognition software a shot. Voice recognition software of today is nothing short of startling. Personally, I’m a MAC guy, so I have MacSpeech Dictate. After this program gets accustomed to your voice, it’s almost scary how well it can pick up your words. I once left this program running while listening to music through a set of headphones. I pushed my chair back over to my computer to find the lyrics of Bob Marley’s “One Love” written out.

It took a moment before I realized that MacSpeech had picked up on my singing and had
transcribed the lyrics onto TextEdit! Using MacSpeech Dictate, I can usually get around 120 words per minute with 95.2% accuracy. Though I’ve never used it, I’ve heard that Dragon Naturally Speaking is a great option for PC users. I’m much better at writing articles than I am at “talking articles.” It takes me a good deal of extra effort to be able to phrase my speech into a format that would make for an acceptable article. My mind just doesn’t work well that way somehow. I found that when all is said and done, it’s faster for me to type an article than it is for me to “talk an article.” The downside of voice capturing software is that you’ll need to spend a bit more time proof reading.


Will you be able to write a 10-minute article 10 minutes from now? Probably not. It took me about 2 weeks to be able to consistently write 10 minute articles. However, the first time I used this method, I cut my writing time in HALF. This is a skill I urge you to put into practice. As I said earlier, the ability to create the lifeblood of the internet within 10 minutes is a powerful skill that people will PAY to utilize.

AUTHOR: http://golearnweb.com/web-designer-pro-tutorials/how-to-write-an-article-in-10-minutes.html