вторник, 18 януари 2011 г.

Web Project Ideas for 2011 http://golearnweb.com/web-designer-pro-tutorials/web-project-ideas-for-2011.html

Web Project Ideas for 2011

Web Project Ideas for 2011

As we enter into a brand new year filled with ideas and possibilities I thought I’d share a few of the ones I’ve been pondering the last few days in the hopes that they might prompt some of you to go out and accomplish them along side of me. I generally set way more goals and write out more ideas than I can possibly achieve in the hopes that even if I get some of them accomplished I will be way ahead of the game.

Idea’s without action are just dreams and nothing more, so I hope that by writing them out here for all to see, I might just be inclined to achieve even more of them than usual. Here is a list of ideas for this year ahead.

1. Write a comprehensive EBook on driving traffic to your blog to sell.

2. Develop a comprehensive 12 hour video course outlining an internet marketing training course.

3. Launch a forum and grow it to 2000 members by year end.

4. Start a 2nd blog (The Earning Success Project) and get it to under 60,000 Alexa

5. Launch a twitter training online video course to market.

6. Sell off unwanted domains and websites. (collecting too many)

7. I’d like to grow my RSS subscribers to 3000+

8. Launch a membership site.

9. Launch a backlink membership site.

10. Add another 365 internet marketing articles to PLR Internet Marketing.

11. Double my income.

12. Hire an employee to help with running these sites of mine.

As you can see I’ve chosen twelve goals, and none of them are particularly easy, some can be accomplished in a month, others will take the entire year to pull off, while still others are going to be a stretch for me to achieve (doubling my income).

Each one of these steps will help with furthering my online reach, and build up my online business ensuring stability for me and my family, while also ensuring the mobility factor.

Mobility Factor

When I first set out to launch a business I made a point of stipulating that it had to be something I could do from anywhere in the world, be it my home, vacation, a coffee shop, or just about anywhere else in the world.

Writing the blog traffic EBook will allow me an additional source of income, as well as it is something that I can sell through the Clickbank marketplace which will allow me to harness the power of other affiliates. It also allows me to set myself apart from other internet marketers and be seen as an expert in my field because I will take my time to write a comprehensive book that will give bloggers a ton of valuable information in a clear, concise writing style.

Developing a twelve hour internet marketing training course does that same thing as the EBook, and provides me with an additional income stream, and again gives me a chance to show off my expertise, it also is a much higher ticket item to sell, which is important to me.

Launching the forum has been something I’ve wanted to do for a while now, and I’ve since purchased the Marketers Space Forum www.marketersspaceforum.com because I see it as a great way to connect with likeminded individuals, and learn from them and also share my thoughts and successes with them.

The internet marketing world isn’t as big as you might think, but it is growing. With the help of internet marketing forums we can build ourselves an online meeting place where we all share our collective knowledge about the different areas that we earn from. Please join us there, and stop in and say hello, I’m Dadelius in there.

I launched the Earning Success Project two days ago as my 2nd blog www.earningsuccess.com because I think it would be great to show the growth of a blog live, as its happening. I’m going to share blogging tips over there, but more importantly I’m going to detail every step of the blogs life as well as the earnings it makes. Readers can see just how long it takes to make its first dollar, and where that dollar came from. It also allows them to see just how we develop those income streams to turn one dollar into two, and so on. I’m also going to show full transparency where mistakes are made, and just what steps were taken to correct those mistakes. (Something I wish someone had shown me)

I have a twitter domain (empty at the moment) where I would like to create some training video’s that walk people through the process of getting up and running with twitter, and making some money from that source as well. I would like this site to be fairly self-contained and require very little from me once it’s set up.

Selling off my unwanted domains and websites is just a way for me to simplify my life. I’m tired of ignoring 25 websites and focusing on just a few, so I’m going to choose ten to devote my time and energies to, and sell off the rest, or simply let them expire.

More and more I’m seeing the traffic that comes in via my RSS subscribers, and while I just let it do its own thing in the beginning I’d like to work on building that number up over this coming year.

I’ve been spending some time lately on Yaro Starak’s site www.Entrepreneurs-Journey.com, which is a great resource for marketers and entrepreneurs, and after reading some of his advice on membership sites, I think it is something I’d like to explore further, so I’m going to start putting some of my content aside (perhaps the internet marketing course I’m working on) and turn it into an online membership site and instead of selling it for $500.00 I will simply offer that content and more available to members for a monthly fee instead, and see how that goes.

Adding another 365 articles is in line with my goals already, I always intended to write once a day for my readers and this is another way of confirming that with myself. Occasionally I double up, or miss days, but would like to end this year with a full count.

Doubling my income is something that I think I can achieve as my business is only in its infancy and I know that I can offer up a lot more value and services and grow my current level of income, so that is one of my goals this year. I’m sure I’ll set it again next year, and try and double that number again! LOL

Hiring an assistant to help with content, link building, research, etc. will go a long way to driving my progress even further. It’s hard going it alone, and hopefully by the end of this year, I’ll be able to accomplish this goal and lighten my load somewhat.

So there you have it, you all know where I’m heading this coming year, and while I will also be setting numerous other goals that need to be achieved along the way (converting all posts into podcasts) I’d like to invite you all to keep an eye on me and hold me accountable. It only takes a moment to leave a comment of encouragement, or piece of advice and I love hearing from all of you.

Here’s to a great year ahead!

AUTHOR: http://golearnweb.com/web-designer-pro-tutorials/web-project-ideas-for-2011.html

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