понеделник, 21 март 2011 г.

Press Releases, Google News and one sample press release http://golearnweb.com/seo-tutorials/press-releases-and-google-news-or-sample-press-release.html

Press Releases, Google News and one sample press release

Press Releases, Google News and one sample press release

If you don't have your own site, and don't want to create your own site, the easiest way to get into Google News is via a Press Release site. While there are several paid options, there are just as many free options that work just as well. At the end of the article you will find one sample press release.

Free Press Release Sites



Create Your Own News Site

The other option, and the one I recommend, is to create your own news site. The benefit of submitting to press release sites is that you get to borrow some of their credibility. But why not create your own? It's not an instant process, but having your own site indexed in Google News means not having to wait for approval or a decision on when to publish. The easiest way to do this is using Wordpress. The number of plugins and themes available make it a dead simple choice. Assuming that you've already installed Wordpress, there are a few things you need to take care of.

Permalink Settings

Make sure that you use %postname% in your permalinks. While it's not the most important factor, your headline will probably contain the keywords you're trying to rank for. On stories with low to moderate competition, they can give a slight edge over URLs that only contain numbers.

The Only Plugin That Matters (for Google News)

Google XML News Sitemap Plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/gn-xml-sitemap/

What Google Wants

When you submit your site, you'll receive a response with the following: We typically include content in Google News that

1. is original to the content provider;
2. doesn't solely promote the provider's own activities;
3. is written, produced, and maintained by a clear organization, one that has multiple writers and editors

We did one from our own service the other day and ranked number one on Google for the search term career assessment test:

This is a superb service to offer a client and can be a good follow up after you have provided them with the Loss Leader Method and then set up their social media sites for them. If you write them a news piece after discussing it with them and get it onto the first page of Google News this is instant proof that you know what you are doing. You can either add this to your monthly services and charge a little more or with some clients you can actually charge them anything between Ј200 and Ј500 for a Google news + press release + article marketing campaign.

Sample Press Release: Reverse Phone Detective Affiliate PR

Title: Reverse Phone Lookups Now Possible In 10 Seconds Thanks To New



Thanks to a newly launched service anyone looking for information on a

telephone number only needs a few extra seconds and an internet

connection. Finding out who owns a phone number can be an extremely

difficult thing to do. Knowing how to locate information attached to a cell

phone or land line number doesn’t take long now thanks to a brand new

service available online. Reverse phone lookups now only take 10 seconds

or less to perform thanks to ReversePhoneAffiliateURL.com

A cell phone reverse lookup search used to be a huge hassle for anyone

looking for information on a phone number. Now if anyone wants to find

out the name and address of any given phone number, it only requires a few

seconds through a newly offered phone service online. The process works

simply by entering in the phone number the visitor wants to know more

about, clicking “Submit” and following the on screen prompts. Users can

find the name, address and virtually anything else about the owner of the


Previous to this new service anyone who wanted to learn more about a

phone number had to hire a private investigator to get the details on the

owner. This involved paying huge amounts to the contracted private

investigator and the information wasn’t even guaranteed to be accurate.

The new service offered at ReversePhoneAffiliateURL.com is unique

because it uses privately held databases of cell and land line numbers to

find out information on the owner. It finally makes cell phone reverse

lookups possible to do at home using this revolutionary technology.

For a long time the need to track down prank callers, threatening phone

calls or just organizing messy address books was nearly impossible.

Looking up a phone number using nothing more than the white pages and

praying that the corresponding number is there doesn’t work and calling

411 or the local phone company won’t necessarily work. The only

alternative option left is to use the reverse phone lookup service at

ReversePhoneAffiliateURL.com to get the appropriate information.

*Underlined and red text indicates anchor text/link back to your “money


SOURSE: http://golearnweb.com/seo-tutorials/press-releases-and-google-news-or-sample-press-release.html

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