четвъртък, 3 март 2011 г.

Easy Web Video Marketing Strategy http://golearnweb.com/seo-tutorials/easy-web-video-marketing-strategy.html

Easy Web Video Marketing Strategy

Easy Web Video Marketing Strategy

Web video marketing strategy is really easy to do and one of the most effective tools when used properly.

The other great thing about Web Video Marketing is that your clients competitors are probably not using it at all so will make your client the authority in his sector online. (Good phrase to use to sell it to your client!).

You can use YouTube to post your videos or smaller video sharing sites as well if you wish. Here is a list of 49 Video Sharing Sites with links:

1. Blip.tv
2. Bolt
3. Break
4. Brightcove Beta (Personal)
5. Castpost
6. ClipShack
7. Crackle (formerly Grouper)
8. Cuts
9. Dabble beta
10. Dailymotion
11. DivX Stage6 Beta
12. DropShots
13. Eyespot
14. Facebook video
15. Fliqz
16. GoFish
17. Google Video
18. Guba
19. Heavy
20. iFilm
21. imeem
22. JayCut
23. Jumpcut
24. Kewego
25. Metacafe
26. Microsoft Soapbox Beta on MSN Video
27. Mixpo
28. Motionbox
29. MySpaceTV
30. Nelsock
31. Ning Videos
32. Ourmedia
33. Phanfare
34. Photobucket
35. Revver
36. Sevenload
37. Veoh
38. Viddler
39. Vidiac
40. Vidilife
41. Vimeo
42. Vodpod
43. vSocial
44. Vmix
45. Webfives.com
46. Webshots
47. Yahoo Video
48. YouAreTV
49. YouTube

Simply create a video and then upload it to a video sharing site and then use embedded code to put it on your site.

• Use it to grab visitor‘s attention and have them ―sticking to your client‘s site
• Many lazy visitors would rather watch a short video than read a bunch of text.
• Use it to brand your client.
• Use it to build trust.
• Use it to inform or educate visitors.

How to Make a Video

Make sure they are short and to the point otherwise people will get bored watching them. I would say that anything between 30 seconds and 3 minutes is ideal.

Useful Tools to use

If you are going to make a slide show video you will want to collect some images, music samples and a video slide show tool such as Animoto or Windows Movie Maker.

You can also do a voice over using Microsoft Powerpoint or again Windows Movie Maker.

I use Camtasia for all of my videos and is the next step for when you want to create professional videos for clients.

A great tactic is to gather video testimonials from customers of your client. If you can capture real people on video saying great things about the company it will spread like wildfire within the sector. Most mobile phones nowadays have video but a more professional approach is the Flip HD video camera. I have one of these myself and take it everywhere with me just in case there is an opportunity to film. It is simple point and click and when you want to download the video you just insert the camera via its USB port into the computer and download the film – it is so easy even I can do it!

I will be honest here and say that I love making the videos but find the marketing of them to all the video sites extremely boring – so I always outsource this to someone else. Once you have tried a few people you will find someone that you enjoy working with and who will provide you with a good service. This is a very profitable method as you can charge around Ј200 pm to a client and get the work done for around $30 - $100...

QUICK TIP: When you contact a service offering Video Marketing make sure you make them understand that you need the videos optimising for SEO and provide them with the correct information otherwise they will just use the first keywords they find and you won't rank for them.

This is the information that I provide to a service to ensure that it is completed to my (and my clients) satisfaction:

Title of the video – start with the main keyword phrase followed by a secondary keyword phrase. Then provide the company name followed by the phone number.

Description – Domain name followed by the first and secondary keyword phrases. A brief description followed by phone us now on...phone number

Category – Find the closest category you can for your client's sector.

I would advise you to use video marketing wisely and don’t try to spam the video networks otherwise you will destroy the clients’ credibility and lose his business.

Something else - this program will help you a lot in your video marketing strategy. I will not describe it here, just have a look for yourself! ;-) Tube ToolBox: http://www.tubetoolbox.com/

I always start with article marketing and then move on to video media marketing....

Read about Article marketing here: http://golearnweb.com/seo-tutorials/simple-article-marketing-strategy.html

SOURSE: http://golearnweb.com/seo-tutorials/easy-web-video-marketing-strategy.html

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