How To Write An Article In 10 Minutes
By the time you are at the end of this article, you will be able to do something that 99.99% of all internet marketers in the WORLD can’t do -- You’ll be able to write a high quality, fully researched article in just 10 minutes. What you're about to learn is a “cash-on-demand” ability that you will be able to tap into whenever you need it. Of course, these articles are yours to do whatever you want with. You can keep them and use them yourself, or you can sell them for some quick cash when you really need it.
I know that there are two questions at the tip of your tongue right now, so before I do anything else, I’m going to answer both of these questions.
The answer to your First question: “Yes, you can research, write, and proofread a high quality article in 10 minutes.”
The answer to your second question: “No, it doesn’t have anything to do with talent or ability.”
Have you ever solved a Rubik's Cube? I have, and I’m NOT a genius. I’ve just memorized several different series of movements. The movement that I choose is based on nothing more than the color of the cubes, and where they happen to be located at the time of me picking up the Rubrics Cube. That’s all there is to it. It’s nothing more than a series of movements that an old college buddy of mine taught me. Here’s my point. I can solve a Rubrics Cubes because I know a formula, not because I’m a genius. I can write 10 minute articles because I know a formula, not because I’m a particularly amazing writer. Now, I don’t ALWAYS write articles in 10 minutes, but I almost NEVER spend more than 15 minutes at an article. If fact, I’ll usually have my article finished up in less than 10 minutes. Though I don’t often allude to it, I used to spend the majority of my time as a ghostwriter for web-masters and other internet marketers. In fact, the first significant amount of money that I made online came from ghostwriting. Though I now concentrate the majority my efforts on other areas of internet marketing, I’ve paid for
many months worth of expenses simply by writing articles for clients.
Over the last two years, I’ve written hundreds, if not thousands of articles for clients
Again, I now focus most of my efforts on other areas of internet marketing, but I still provide content for a number of membership site owners where I write articles for autoresponder follow-up sequences. In fact, if you’re on as many internet marketing lists as I’m on, I wouldn’t be surprised if you had a handful of messages in your inbox that were written by me. Of course, my name won’t be anywhere on it, because part of the ghostwriting deal is that I relinquish all rights to the article as soon as I’m paid. When you’re paying rent, bills, and all monthly living expenses by ghostwriting articles, you quickly realize that the quicker you are able to streamline the article writing process, the more money you will make. Before I began using this formula, it took me anywhere from 30 to 40 minutes to write a single article. Realizing that this wasn’t going to work in the long run, I started experimenting with speed-creating outlines for my articles before I started writing them. As you’ll soon see, this formula grew from there. The first time I tried this method, I cut my article writing time in HALF. I tweaked the formula a bit and kept at it. Two weeks later, I was able to consistently churn out these articles in under 10 minutes. Welcome to my formula.
Articles – The Lifeblood of The Internet
As I said earlier, articles are the lifeblood of the internet. Take a moment to think of the internet without articles. Imagine what the internet would be like without news articles, medical articles, or general information articles. In an internet like this, article directories wouldn’t exist, and blogs would be nothing more than empty, pointless voids. As a whole, the internet would be a vastly different place. With the ability to create the life blood of the internet at your fingertips, you’ll be able to effortlessly “pump” life into any online venture. You’ll be able to get traffic whenever you want, and you’ll be able to do whatever you want with it. You’ll be able to capture subscribers and build up a profitable autoresponder list. You’ll be able to directly promote affliate offers, CPA offers, or AdSense ads. You’ll be able to quickly whip up these articles to use as content for blogs, forum posts, or even as content for videos. Best yet, if you found yourself in need of a few hundred bucks down the road, you’ll have this ability that you can tap into. Spend a few hours with this and you'll have a dozen or more articles that you can convert into cold, hard cash. You can submit these articles to article directories with links to affiliate products, or, you can sell the articles to other internet marketers. Spend a few solid days with this and you’ll effectively write your way out of your "nancial hardship.
The Timeframe
As I said earlier, this formula ISN’T something I’ve pulled out of thin air. When writing articles for clients, you quickly realize that efficiency is the determining factor of how much money you are able to make. If a client is paying me $6 per 400-word article, and I can only write 2 articles per hour, I’m only making $12 per hour. Sure that’s better than most burger-$ippers. However, as soon as I become twice as effcient, my hourly wages will jump to $24 per hour. At 6 articles per hour, that’s $36 per hour. That won’t make me rich, but it’s more than most people make in their mid-20's! This formula consists of three stages. Research, writing, and proofreading. These three stages are broken down into the following timeframe.
2 Minutes for research
6 Minutes for writing
2 Minutes for proofreading
”TWO MINUTE RESEARCH??” Are you crying fowl?
I definitely would be if I were in your shoes, but give me a few minutes, because I'm about to show you how this is possible! These articles aren’t going to be featured in the New York Times. 10 minute articles are meant to be general guides that give good, solid information on a topic. You aren’t giving a thorough education here, you’re giving away a few killer points. In fact, giving away a through education ISN’T a good idea, because if you answer every question your reader has, there would be no point in him clicking your resource box and entering your sales funnel. If I spent an hour writing an article, I supposed the quality might be a LITTLE higher, but it wouldn’t be enough to make any real difference in the marketplace. Not to mention, in that amount of time, I could pump out six 10-minute articles. Since six 10-minute articles will make me far more money, I’ll go with six 10-minute articles over one uber-high-quality 1-hour article every single time.
Here’s what I used to do when I tried to write an article. I’d sit down with a keyword phrase like “Six Pack Abs.” I’d type out “Six Pack Abs” at the top of the page, then I'd try to put together an opening paragraph. After doing this, I’d sit back and think, “alright, what should I say next?” I was ALREADY on the wrong track! After exhausting my mind on the first paragraph, I was completely stumped.
I was making the same two critical mistakes that you probably make when you write articles.
1. I was thinking.
2. I was writing an article about my keyword phrase.
Now, this sounds odd, as these seem to be “requirements” instead of “mistakes.” However, take a moment to consider the following two alternatives:
1. Get all the thinking DONE in the research phase, so you won't have to stop and think when you're writing.
2. Never write an article based on the keyword phrase you’re writing about. Instead, ALWAYS write the article based on three points ABOUT the keyword phrase you're writing about.
Whenever I attempt to write an article based on a single keyword phrase, I ALWAYS find myself needing to stop and think. That's to be expected. Converting one keyword phrase into 400 words is a tall order. For that reason, I now NEVER attempt to write an entire article based on a keyword phrase. Instead I found three main points ABOUT my keyword phrase, then I write the article about these three main points INSTEAD of my main keyword phrase. As you'll see, writing an article based on three points about the target keyword phrase is MUCH easier (and faster) than writing an article based on a single keyword phrase.
Let's get started!
First, we’re going to look for three main points about our keyword phrase. We’re also going to try to jot down 2 or 3 sub-points about each main point.
For research, I only go to two places.
1. EzineArticles
2. Google
Let’s say that a client is working on a fashion website, and he wants a batch of articles on the keyword phrase “party gowns.” Now, I’m a male in my mid-20’s with a semi-anti-materialistic life philosophy, so I have no knowledge whatsoever about $2,000 party gowns. However, my lack of knowledge in this area won’t be a problem so long as I’m armed with my 2-minute research method.
First, I open up EzineArticles and Google in separate tabs in my browser, then I search for the keyword phrase I’m writing about -- “party gowns.”
I’ll start with EzineArticles, and I’ll VERY QUICKLY scan the results looking for two or three “how to” article titles that sound like a list of tips and tricks. To be honest, you probably won’t be able to spot these articles as quickly as I can, but give yourself a few days with it and you’ll get very quick at this. I'll open up Notepad or TextEdit and jot down three main points. For each of my points, I’ll jot down two or three sub-points. These “sub-points” aren’t really sub-points, they’re more like single words and short sentence fragments to remind me what to write about. While assembling my outline, I’m getting ALL of my thinking done beforehand so that I won't need to stop and think during the writing process. Remember, By the time you're done with your research, your thinking is over. You’ve done all your thinking, and you've transposed all your thinking into a 3-point outline. Now that you have your outline to remind you what to write about, there’s no reason for you to stop and think. Stopping
to think will squander precious time.
In our research phase, we opened up 2 or 3 articles, we pulled out 3 main points and we’ve got a few words/phrases under each main point to remind us of what to write about. Remember, you've transposed all your thinking onto a 3-point outline. Now, we’re ready to write the actual article. We’re going to have a paragraph for our intro, we’re going to have a paragraph for each of our main points, and we’re going to have a paragraph for our conclusion.
If you’ve got a great inspiration for your introduction, go with it. If not, stick with a basic If/Then approach. “If you’re looking for information on [keyword phrase], then pull up a chair and buckle down, because this is the article that you’ve been looking for.” Almost all of my articles start with this, or a similar variation of this. “If you’re looking to get a rock-hard set of six pack abs, then pull up a chair and buckle down for the next few minutes because this is the article that you’ve been looking for.” All I did was plug in a few words. Next, stage of the formula. In the next few sentences, I’m going to give a “Table of Contents,” of what’s to come, then I’m going to finish up the introduction by telling my readers what they’ll be able to do after reading the article. “In this article, we’re going to look at three tips to help you accomplish [keyword phrase] quickly,
and easily. First, we’re going to talking about [main point 1]. Next, we’re going to be talking about [main point 2]. Finally, we’re going to "nish up with [main point 3]. After reading this article, you’ll be able to [accomplish whatever the reader came to learn]. The more you write, the more the inspirations, variations and creativity will play a part. However, for the most part, I incorporate this “Table of Contents” paragraph (or some variation of it) into all of my articles. “In this article, we’re going to look at three crucial elements that you ABSOLUTELY MUST KNOW if you want to get six pack abs. First, we’re going to be talking about proper nutrition. Next, we’re going to be talking about proper exercise. Finally, we’re going to "nish up by talking about a proper eating schedule. After reading this article, you’ll be able to kick start your six pack abs quest into hyperdrive and achieve your goal faster than you ever thought possible.” Our introduction is done! This consisted of a plug ‘n play “if/then” #rst paragraph, a series of plug ‘n play “table of contents” sentences, and a “here’s what you’ll be able to do afterwards” sentence.
That’s it. No thinking was required. We did all that in the research phase!
With the introduction out of the way, it’s time to move on to your main points. Each of your main points follows the exact same plug ‘n play formula. First, introduce your main point, then make a general statement about it. Next, expand on your main point by utilizing your sub-points. Start with your #rst sub-point, and communicate how it relates to your main point. Move on to your next sub-point and communicate how it relates to your main point. Continue doing this for each of your sub-points. After exhausting your sub-points, close out the paragraph with a summary of the sub-points, and/or include a transition to your next main point.
Repeat this for each of your main points.
“First, let’s talk about [Main Point 1].
[General statement about Main Point 1].
[First sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 1]. [Second Sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 1]. [Third Sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 1]. [Summarize Sub-point s and/or transition to Main Point 2].”
Using our #rst Main Point and sub-points from our research phase...
Main Point 1 - Proper Nutrition
Sub-point 1 - gasoline example.
Sub-point 3 - body-fat < 10% for 6pak to show
Sub-point 2 - bad diet = sabotage your e?orts/time
...we’ll get something like this:
“First, let’s talk about the importance of proper nutrition.
If you had a beat up, rusted-out 20-year-old honda Civic, you probably wouldn't think twice about filling the gas tank with the lowest grade of gasoline?. However, if you had a brand new Aston Martin, would you fill of the tank with the lowest grade of gasoline? Of course you wouldn’t! You would go out of your way to fuel that beautiful new car with the highest quality of gasoline possible to keep it running in pristine condition! With that in mind, remember that your body is a complicated and amazing machine, and it deserves the best fuel you can give it. For most people, six pack abs will start to become visible when your body-fat falls below 10%. Proper nutrition is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY if this is going to happen to you. Getting six pack abs is going to require some extra time and dedication on your part, so don’t sabotage all your invested time and effort by filling up with junk food!”
Remember again, your thinking has been done in the research phase. You SHOULDN’T have to stop and think here. Stopping to think = wasting valuable time. Our first Main Point is complete. Now it’s simply a matter of applying this to our next two main points.
The conclusion is the easiest part of the article. Since everything is fresh in your head, it’s simply a matter of wrapping it all up by running it through your “Table of Contents” introduction paragraph again, and telling your readers what they’ll be able to do with their new knowledge. “Now you have the three required elements required to [solve keyword phrase/problem]. First, [Main Point 1]. Second, [Main Point 2]. Finally, [Main Point 3]. Now you’ll be able to [accomplish whatever you came to learn]!”
This is very similar to our introduction. It’s simply a matter of a subtle re-write. “So there you have the three critical elements required for six pack abs. First, you’ve got to keep a close eye on the food that you eat. Second, you’ve got to have a healthy amount of proper cardiovascular exercise. Finally, you need to live by a proper eating schedule. If you ignore these three required elements, you are dooming yourself to failure, so put these elements into practice and watch your ripped set of six pack abs emerge!”
That’s it. No thinking was required. We did all that in the research phase!
I know I keep stressing the importance of NOT THINKING, but for me, my mind had a very hard time getting used to the concept of writing without stopping to think, so I continued to stop even though I didn't need to. It wasn't until I could get used to the idea of writing without stopping to think that I was really able to kick my article writing into hyperdrive. When you feel the urge to stop and think, simply glance back over your outline to assure your mind that you've already got the next topic/sub-point/main point ready and waiting for you.
Yep, this is the proofreading that we all know and love (or hate). Just give your article a very quick read-through to make sure that things are working out the way you intended. The problem with proof-reading your own work is that you can be “blind” to your own errors. To fix this, I’ll always read through my article while reading out loud as fast as I can think. Reading an article out loud as fast as you can possibly think will make you sound like you’re attempting to speak in tongues, but it’s a surprisingly effectively way to catch your own typos.
I already presented this in the previous chapter, but here it is in its non-broken-up form.
If/Then Opener: “If you’re looking for information on [keyword phrase], then pull up a chair and buckle down, because this is the article that you’ve been looking for.”
Table of Contents Paragraph: “In this article, we’re going to look at three tips to help you accomplish [keyword phrase] quickly, and easily. First, we’re going to be talking about [main point 1]. Next, we’re going to be talking about [main point 2]. Finally, we’re going to "nish up with [main point 3]. After reading this article, you’ll be able to [accomplish whatever the reader came to learn].
Main Point 1: “First, let’s talk about [Main Point 1].
[General statement about Main Point 1].
[First Sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 1]. [Second Sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 1]. [Third Sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 1]. [Summarize Sub-points and/or transition to Main Point 2].”
Main Point 2:“Next, let’s talk about [Main Point 2].
[General statement about Main Point 2].
[First Sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 2]. [Second Sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 2]. [Third Sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 2]. [Summarize Sub-points and/or transition to Main Point 2].”
Main Point 3: “Finally, let’s talk about [Main Point 3].
[General statement about Main Point 3].
[First sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 3]. [Second Sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 3]. [Third Sub-point introduced and communicated in relation to Main Point 3]. [Summarize Sub-points and/or transition to Main Point 3].”
Re-Written Table Of Contents/Conclusion: “So there you have the three required elements required to [solve keyword phrase/problem]. First, [Main Point 1]. Second, [Main Point 2]. Finally, [Main Point 3]. Now you’ll be able to [accomplish whatever you came to learn]!”
Secrets Of Picking Out The Perfect Party Gown For Any Occasion
If you’re looking to pick out the perfect party gown, then pull up a chair and buckle down because you're going to want to read this article. In the next few minutes, we’re going to look at three crucial elements that you MUST consider before you purchase a party gown. First, we’re going to make sure that your party gown is currently in style. Next, we’re going to make sure your party gown compliments your body silhouette. Finally, we're going to "nish up by talking about how to know what type of party gown is appropriate for the occasion.
First, let’s start with knowing what's currently in style.
Dressing in style is extremely important. However, this is easier said than done since fashion is constantly evolving. One of the best ways to make sure that your party gown is currently in fashion is to take a look at Hollywood. Fire up your computer and take a look at what celebrities have been wearing at recent celebrity events. Pay attention to any repeating styles, accessories and color prints, because that's what's currently in style!
Next, let’s talk about your body silhouette.
Every person has a unique body structure, and it's vitally important that the party gown you select compliments your silhouette. When picking your party gown, make sure that it compliments the areas of your body that you are proud of while drawing attention away from the areas of your body that you might not be so eager to show off.
Finally, let’s talk about knowing what's appropriate, and what isn't.
The best way to "nd out what type of party gown is appropriate is to "nd out the nature of the event beforehand. If the event involves a good deal of movement (e.g. dancing), you'll be safe showing a little skin and dressing a little on the fishy" side. If the event consists of a large, multi-course meal and a series of long speeches, you'll probably want to dress with a more modest approach. These are the three critical elements you MUST consider before you purchase a party gown. Check out Hollywood to know what's currently in style, make sure your party gown compliments your body silhouette, and make sure to "nd out the nature of the event beforehand to know what's appropriate. Keep these three tips in mind, and you'll be able to pick out the perfect party gown for any event!
This article is 403 words long, and I wrote it in just over 5 minutes based on the one-minute outline we created in the research chapter:
First Main Point - Current Fashion
Sub-point 1 - Quickly changing
Sub-point 2 - Hollywood
Sub-point 3 - Celebrity events
Second Main Point - Body Silhouette
Sub-point 1 - Correct “problem areas,” highlight “proud areas.”
Sub-point 2 - Length illusion "once over"
Sub-point 3 - Everyone has unique silhouette
Third Main Point - Knowing What's Appropriate?
Sub-point 1 - Understand event nature
Sub-point 2 - Movement = $ashy dress
Sub-point 3 - No-movement = modest dress
I wrote the article in this form so that you could easily see how it re$ects my outline. If I were submitting this to an article directory, I’d break it up into more paragraphs to make it more inviting to read.
How To Convert 1 Article Into 10
Writing in itself is a cakewalk. All you need to do is move your #ngers across your keyboard. However, researching, and figuring out what to say isn’t quite as simple. More often than not, you won’t sit down to write one article on a keyword phrase. Usually you’ll be writing a batch of articles on the same, or a very similar keyword phrase. For this reason, there’s a little trick that I like to use to turn 1 article into 10 WITHOUT having to
do any additional researching or thinking. Now, I won’t take ALL the credit for this. This is a little trick I picked up from internet marketers Andrew Hansen and Jason Fladlien. (I always give credit where credit is due). HOWEVER, I tweaked this trick a bit and added to it to suit my style and
streamline the process. Here’s the concept. When I have to write multiple articles on the same keyword phrase, I use the SAME outline, but I write the article with a different approach.
1. The Guide - This is the most common type of article. If you’re not consciously trying to write another style of article, this is the style that you probably write.
2. FAQ - Main points listed in a question/answer format.
3. The Story - This is extremely simple. With this format, you simply create an imaginary character and run him through your main points.
4. Step-By-Step - Very simple to write. Very similar to the “guide,” except with your main points as numbered instructions. “First, you must do this. Next, do this...”
5. True/False Quiz - Ask your readers whether your main points are true or false. Give them the answer, then explain it.
6. Mistakes - Instead of telling your readers what to do, tell them what NOT to do.
7. Multiple Choice Quiz - Present your main points as questions with multiple choice answers. Give them the answer, then explain it.
8. Guru Footsteps - What a guru would do if he were in YOUR shoes.
9. Checklist - Very similar to the step-by-step. In this format, the main points are presented in a checklist format.
10. Myths - Similar to the mistakes article. Convert your main points to falsehoods and present them as myths. Bust them myths, then explain why they aren't true.
Armed with these 10 approaches, turning one article into ten will be a cakewalk! First, open up my companion “Turn 1 Article Into 10 Examples” .pdf so you can follow along.
We’re already familiar with this style of article. Like I said, the guide is the most common type of article that you’d #nd on a blog or an article directory.
We created this article from the outline that we already looked at:
First Main Point - Current Fashion
Sub-point 1 - Quickly changing
Sub-point 2 - Hollywood
Sub-point 3 - Celebrity events
Second Main Point - Body Silhouette
Sub-point 1 - Correct “problem areas,” highlight “proud areas.”
Sub-point 2 - Length illusion "once over"
Sub-point 3 - Everyone has unique silhouette
Third Main Point - Knowing What's Appropriate?
Sub-point 1 - Understand event nature
Sub-point 2 - Movement = $ashy dress
Sub-point 3 - No-movement = modest dress
To be honest, my notes weren’t quite this organized. They were essentially not much more than a collection of words to remind me what to say, but I expanded on them here so that you’ll be able to separate heads from tails!
2. FAQ
Keep your outline open and convert each of your main points into questions.
“How can I be sure that my party gown is currently in style?”
“What do I need to do to make sure my party gown compliments my body silhouette?
“How do I know if my party gown is appropriate?”
Nothing has really changed here. When you compare this article to my “guide” article, you’ll see that all I did was re-phrase my main points into questions. Taking a di?erent approach to the same outline like this is SOO much easier (and faster) than trying to re-write my “guide” article. It's
also a lot more fun!
The story approach is quite simple. I simply come up with an imaginary character, then I run the character through my outline.
First, I’ll re-write my three main points as actions that my main character took.
First, Emily made sure her party gown was currently in style.
Second, Emily made sure her party gown complimented her body silhouette.
Finally, Emily made sure her party gown was appropriate for the occasion.
After writing out my main points, I simply write out what my character did to follow my main points and my sub-points to achieve the ultimate goal.
The step by step approach is one of the easiest write. With this approach, it’s simply a matter of re-writing your main points as a numbered action plan. “Step 1, do this.” “Step 2, do this.”
Step 1: Make sure your party gown is currently in style.
Step 2: Make sure your party gown compliments your body silhouette
Step 3: Make sure your party gown is appropriate for the occasion you’ll be attending.
After each step, simply write out a brief explanation of each step while communicating your sub-points.
These are extremely fast to set up, and even quicker to write. Simply write out each of your main points in a True/False quiz format. True or False? The best way to know what's currently in style is to look at what all your friends are wearing. True or False? It's important to dress according to your body silhouette. True or False? It isn't important to find out the nature of the event beforehand. After each question, tell your reader if the statement is true or false, then expand on your sub-points to explain your answer.
Instead of telling your reader what to do, tell your reader what NOT to do. For this approach, I start by writing out my main points as mistakes that most people make. She didn't check out Hollywood to make sure she was dressing according to current fashion. She didn't pick a party gown that complimented her body silhouette. She didn't "nd out the nature of the event beforehand to make sure she was wearing an appropriate party gown. Below each mistake, communicate your sub-points to show what could have been done to avoid the mistakes.
Present your main points as questions with multiple choice answers. Give them the answer, then explain it.
First Question. What's the best way to "nd out what's currently in style?
a. Look at what your friends are wearing
b. Check out your local retail stores
c. Look at what celebrities are wearing at current celebrity events.
Second Question: What's the most important thing to keep in mind while picking an party gown?
a. Your legs
b. Your body silhouette
c. The accessories you plan on wearing
Third Question: What's the best way to "nd out what's appropriate to wear at an event?
a. Find out the nature of the event
b. Call the host and ask
c. Take a guess
This takes a little bit of thought, but the more you write, the easier it will become. After each question, give the correct answer then explain it by expanding on the sub-points in your outline.
With this approach, you simply communicate what a guru (or someone who is experienced in the article topic) would do if he were in the shoes of your reader.
First, she makes sure her party gown is currently in style.
Second she makes sure her party gown compliments her body silhouette.
Third, she makes sure her party gown is appropriate for the occasion.
These are very easy to write. After you have your re-written main points, it becomes very similar to the “story” approach. I simply write out what the “guru” did to follow my main points and my sub-points to achieve whatever my reader wants to achieve.
This approach is very similar to the step-by-step approach. However, instead of presenting your main points as a numbered action plan, present your main points as a checklist. “Did you do this?” “Then did you do this?”
Did you check out Hollywood to make sure your party gown is currently in style?
Did you make sure your party gown compliments your body silhouette?
Did you make sure you checked out the nature of the event beforehand?
Below each checklist point, expand on your sub-points to explain why your reader should have taken that action.
This is similar to the mistakes approach. With this approach, simply convert your main points to falsehoods and present them as myths. Bust the myths, then explain why they aren't true.
Myth #1: "When in doubt, wear what your friends are wearing."
Myth #2: “Accessories are the primary element to keep in mind while picking out a party gown.”
Myth #3: “The event doesn't have anything to do with what's appropriate to wear.”
As usual, simply communicate your main points to explain why your statements aren’t true, and what your reader should do instead. You can get creative and have lots of fun with this one!
You’ll notice that I usually start out my articles by laying out my main points. You don’t necessarily need to do this, but I #nd that it’s easier for me to keep track of my word count by writing my articles in the following order:
First, lay out my main points.
Second, write my introduction.
Third, write my conclusion.
Fourth, #ll in the paragraphs below my main points.
By writing my articles in this order, I #nd that it’s much easier for me to keep my articles visually symmetrical while still remaining near my intended word count.
Voice Capturing
If your typing skills are a little rusty, you’re going to run into problems in the “speed” area. If you struggle to type above 30 words per minute, and you have 7 minutes set aside for writing, 210 words is the best that you can expect to do. If you are genuinely planning to make a substantial amount of money online, you are going to need to improve your typing skills. The amount of money you make online is directly proportionate to how efficiently you are able to work, so I strongly urge you to set aside some time to increase your typing speed. However, if your typing skills are lackluster, you’re not out of luck. Give voice recognition software a shot. Voice recognition software of today is nothing short of startling. Personally, I’m a MAC guy, so I have MacSpeech Dictate. After this program gets accustomed to your voice, it’s almost scary how well it can pick up your words. I once left this program running while listening to music through a set of headphones. I pushed my chair back over to my computer to find the lyrics of Bob Marley’s “One Love” written out.
It took a moment before I realized that MacSpeech had picked up on my singing and had
transcribed the lyrics onto TextEdit! Using MacSpeech Dictate, I can usually get around 120 words per minute with 95.2% accuracy. Though I’ve never used it, I’ve heard that Dragon Naturally Speaking is a great option for PC users. I’m much better at writing articles than I am at “talking articles.” It takes me a good deal of extra effort to be able to phrase my speech into a format that would make for an acceptable article. My mind just doesn’t work well that way somehow. I found that when all is said and done, it’s faster for me to type an article than it is for me to “talk an article.” The downside of voice capturing software is that you’ll need to spend a bit more time proof reading.
Will you be able to write a 10-minute article 10 minutes from now? Probably not. It took me about 2 weeks to be able to consistently write 10 minute articles. However, the first time I used this method, I cut my writing time in HALF. This is a skill I urge you to put into practice. As I said earlier, the ability to create the lifeblood of the internet within 10 minutes is a powerful skill that people will PAY to utilize.